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I know you're anxious
It sucks and you're jittery, nerves going crazy
Or you're panicking, crying vision blurred- going hazy with tears
Just touch five things
Feel your own arm, the hairs that stand up and the softness the warmth trace the curve of the bones hinted under your skin
Take an ice cube and squeeze it in the crook of your arm it's slippery and cold and it drips down your flesh almost hurts in the numbness that comes from within
Stroke something rough like the wall or a sandpaper piece and notice the difference between that scratched surface caress on that flesh
Something hot- but not too much. Dipped finger in candle wax or some tea in a cup. Different feel from the ice cube; shock some sense back into those rattled nerves
And then pick one more thing
One that soothes you
Run your hands through a cat or dog's fur or your own hair, feel book pages on fingertips or hug something.
As long as it calms you. As long as it banishes feelings that harm you.

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