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First, it's the pounding inside my chest,
Like someone--or something--wants to jump out of my chest.

Then it's the pressure in my throat,
Like I want to burp, only I can't, and it comes out as some kind of groan.

Next is the hard knot in my stomach,
That feels kinda like a heavy stone is sitting there.

After I soon realize all these things are happening:

I cannot sit still.
I always have to be moving.

You might spot me,
Tapping my fingers to the beat of the music blaring from my IPod.
You might catch me tapping my feet, much to your annoyance.
I might get up and start to pace the room,
Just so I'm able to do something with my legs.
I might not be able to stop talking.
I might hum incessantly,
Something random, like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", or some other song, or maybe one I just made up in my head because it keeps my mind occupied.
I might just start talking about random things,
Like how ugly that lampshade is over there,
And why the person who made it decided to create such an atrocious design in the first place,
While simultaneously doing some of the above things ^^
My breathing might be really shallow,
And I'll jump 10 feet in the air at the slightest noise or movement.
If I start laughing, I won't be able to stop.
Because when I laugh, it makes me think of happy things.
And when I think of happy things, I don't think about my anxiety.

And I think that might be it...I'll add more if I come up with some...
Though probably not. This list is long enough.

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