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yoongi.min Taehyung

Taesteless Oh, hey Yoongi hyung

yoongi.min how have you been?

Taesteless I've been pretty much good. U?

yoongi.min I'm great

yoongi.min I can't wait to see u guys when I come to Seoul

Taesteless I can't wait either! u have been missed!

Taesteless dang, how long has it been? 2 years?

Taesteless what the hell have you been doing all this time in America?

yoongi.min work, TaeTae, work

yoongi.min and college

Taesteless ah, haven't heard that nickname in a while

yoongi.min really?

Taesteless yeah, everyone just calls me "Tae" now, they never double it

Taesteless but anyways, that aside, when exactly are u coming down?

yoongi.min around ur birthday

yoongi.min so in 2 months

Taesteless Oh okay

Taesteless my mom is excited for ur return, you know?

Taesteless and my dad said u're a little bitch

yoongi.min 😂ahhhh, uncle Hyuk, always with his colorful words

Taesteless u know he means well

yoongi.min ofc ofc. Tell them I can't wait to see them too

Taesteless I will!

yoongi.min oh and also

Taesteless ?

yoongi.min who's that guy u posted yesterday?

Taesteless be specific, I posted like 3 different guys

yoongi.min well, obviously not the Jungkook kid since you told me u're dating him

yoongi.min in the picture he was walking and u captioned it "guess who's coming over" or smt like that

Taesteless Oh!

Taesteless Jimin!

Taesteless he's one of my best friends

yoongi.min ah

yoongi.min is he like.. interested in males?

Taesteless :O

Taesteless no way

Taesteless well yes way to ur question

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