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Jungkook.Official I might not be an ambassador for milk, but these cows still love me

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pchimchim wtf even is that caption?

Jungkook.Official @pchimchim am I wrong tho?

MissEliet ofc they do, baby🥺😍

Kim.Seokking maybe it has to do with the fact that you look like one of them

Jungkook.Official @Kim.Seokking and you highkey look like a sloth, but you don't see me saying anything

Jung_hobi well Taehyung does love you

Taesteless @Jung_hobi hyung what the hell????

Jungkook.Official @Taesteless I'm sorry, babe, but I'm crying🤣🤣🤣


Fun boyz.... and Jimin

Taesteless Jungkook doesn't love me and it shows😪

Jungkook.Official Tae, it's not that I don't love you, it was just hella funny

Taesteless it really be your own😔😔

Taesteless don't bother coming over today

Jungkook.Official I'm sorry😭😭😭

Jung_hobi aye, can y'all fight elsewhere? I'm kinda in the middle of a shoot

Kim.Seokking and I'm trying to rest before my plane ride

pchimchim and I'm trying to study

Jungkook.Official 👆 nobody asked what u were doing

pchimchim 🖕🖕

pchimchim I am never appreciated in this damn chat and it shows😒

Kim.Seokking just had to say this before I go back to sleep

Kim.Seokking what is there to appreciate?

Taesteless 😂😂😂😂



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Jung_hobi couldn't think of a caption because I was too busy thinking 'bout you😉😘

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Jungkook.Official YOU SLY MF DOG!

Jungkook.Official TAKE MY RESPECT

Yani_ I feel so🥰🥰

Kim.Seokking 😳u even making me blush

Kanthiano YOUVE GONE RED NOW????😍😍😍😩

Taesteless a king, @Kim.Seokking give up your crown

Kim.Seokking @Taesteless okay let's not get too ahead of ourselves now

pchimchim u one corny ass mofo

yoongi.min chacha real smooth😯 teach me your ways

yoongi.min also, the red head suits you

Jung_hobi @yoongi.min thank you😊 and I will!

Chelsia$Manderine @pchimchim and you one hating ass bitch, if you don't like his stuff get off his page

pchimchim @Chelsia$Manderine bitch, if you would check who he's following you would see my name right there, we're friends so mind your fucking business 🖕🖕


Fun boyz.... and Jimin

pchimchim do you guys see why I hate to insult you guys on your pages???

pchimchim I go through that shit every single time

Jungkook.Official it's not like that all the time, chim, Hoseok hyung's fans are just brutal asf

pchimchim it's not just his fans! You guys probably don't see it with the thousands of comments pouring onto your pages and the fact that I usually don't respond to ppl like them, but it happens EVERY. SINGLE. TIME

pchimchim even on Tae's page lately

Taesteless they mean no harm, man, you shouldn't take what they say to heart, they're just a bunch of random ppl that don't know us but feel like they do

Jung_hobi yeah, he's right, don't take them seriously. They know nothing

Jungkook.Official that aside, where's Jin hyung?

Jung_hobi maybe on his plane by now



yoongi.min ?

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