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Adam: Crocodiles are just the lizards of the sea.

Brian: Hippos are just elephants of the sea.


Brian: Guys, I was in Louisiana and I saw a river seal.


Crowley: One time when I was bored I just cut off a strand of hair with baby scissors. It ended up looking really bad because I'm not a hairstylist.


Crowley: If I don't go outside right now I'm going to beat someone over the head with a chair.


Adam: What the frick, doggo?!


Crowley: Look at me! Stop dying.


Pepper: Dude, I'm yeeting you, just keep your bird food.


Pepper: Yeet to the nearest cellphone tower.


Wensleydale: Why'd you leave lemonade in there? Now it's in my ear.


Wensleydale: Joker has shoved Harley off of not one, not two, not three, but five buildings.


Aziraphale (to Crowley): I'm drinking tea, it's not blood,  I swear.


Pepper: It autocorrected "because" to "barbeque".


Crowley: I think I was a serial killer in my past life.


Crowley (as a nanny to Warlock): That face you're making looks like you just pooped in someone's lunchbox.


Wensleydale: This looks to be a bag of triangles.

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