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Adam: Everything starts in a cellphone tower.


Crowley: We are all just wearing fake shirts.


Adam: What if you had a shirt that was literally a phone?


Brian: I finished the problem. I deserve a cookie.


Aziraphale: Aquaman, Homecoming.


Mr. Young: I'll take a selfie with a bagel today.


Brian: It is time to separate my bagel.


Brian: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Wensleydale Bakugou lamb!


Adam: Just leave the starving children alone!


Pepper: There appears to be a tangerine in the gutter.


*When The Them are in high school and in an advanced algebra class, messing around*

Adam: Are you doing kindergarten math?

Pepper: Brian is.

Brian: *Gets a problem wrong*

Adam: Are you having trouble with your kindergarten counting?

Brian: *Gets another problem wrong* I just don't get it!

Wensleydale (at another table): Is that kindergarten math?

Brian: Yeah...

Wensleydale: Why are you struggling?


Crowley: I run through erasers, like, a mile a minute.


Warlock: Mothers don't count.


Crowley: My sarcasm is always there.

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