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Michael has had a long day searching through various video clips of multiple sets of legs, and he felt as though if he saw one more pair, he'd go absolutely insane. "Frank, I wanna get outta here.. We've been looking through legs all day" He says as he brought his thumb to his bottom lip in distress. Michael wanted to hurry and up and get this over with. He felt as though he just wanted to give up, for they've been trying to search for the perfect "Dirty Diana" for a week straight, and none of the women had what Michael was looking for, him being so precise. Frank sat up straight, rolling the cigar from one corner of his lips over to the other, shaking his head. "Let's do three more clips, that's it. Then we can go if you'd like." Michael rolled his eyes. He just wanted to go. "Yeah, fine. Play the clips." Michael sat back and crossed his legs. As the next clip played, he was absolutely taken by the beauty of the woman on the screen before him. Her beautiful, toned long legs let his eyes set right to the shape. He let them travel up her legs, scanning her beautiful body from head to toe. She had short, curly black hair that almost reminded him of himself, with this beautiful caramel skin tone. What a beautiful woman.. Michael thought to himself. He shot up quickly, pointing to the screen. "That's her! That's Dirty Diana! I'm done looking at legs!" He exclaimed in an excited tone, looking over at Frank who had the biggest grin on his face. "Alright, then it's settled.." Frank spoke, looking down at his clipboard. Michael looked at the girl's features one last time, taking in every aspect of her striking beauty. He knew, in order for a woman to be in his music video, he had to be both physically, and sexually attracted to her. He felt it there. He pushed down his shades, showing his dark eyes so this way he could read her name clearly, for this woman was a woman he didn't want to miss any detail about. She to him, was most like a gem, a porcelain doll. "Diamond.. Diamond Lovely" he says, in an almost inaudible tone of voice. "Diamond Lovely.." What an exotic name for such an exotic woman.. He thought to himself. He spoke once again. "Wow..." This girl to him, was a goddess of some sort. He knew what he wanted, and he knew he was a man of either his way, or no way at all. And he wanted this woman.

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