I don't want to go so far as to call it a filler... but...

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Miya had gotten ready in record time - of course she had. Just in case the time limit was a test of their preparedness. She knew from the sleeping bag under the desk it wasn't, but just in case.

In terms of general preparedness, she'd had a good amount of time yesterday to prepare for Aizawa being present for the next two weeks. She knew how difficult it would be to view him solely as her teacher but she was good at pushing past her fantasies when need be. She had control over emotions, after all. It was only since he caught her so off guard the day before that she'd had such a violently flustered reaction. Miya was determined to act like a normal human being rather than a flustered idiot. 

She knew that she wasn't going to be able to contract a mysterious illness that ranged from this Thursday morning until the Thursday next fortnight without raising it to the attention of Recovery Girl. Plus, she really didn't want to miss out on two whole weeks with him

Entering Gym Gamma, she realised that most of her classmates must have been thinking the same thing regarding the time-frame, as they were all already warming their bodies up for basic training. 

Kamato Masumi caught her attention and waved her over, "Yoritoki! Glad to see you finally made it!"

'I thought I was fast...?' She was admittedly offended.

"Wow, I was expecting a few people to take advantage of the time limit." Miya looked around at the majority of her class.

"Nobody's game enough to risk their graduation! Are you kidding? With Aizawa there's no chancing it." Her friend looked at her incredulously. 

'He's not evil, God, they make him sound like a monster.' She brushed off her thoughts with a smile, "Hmm, good point. It's so close, why ruin it now?"

"Exactly!" Masumi beamed. 

"He's not tricking you with some elaborate ruse; he's asleep." Tamaki Amajiki's quiet voice gently interjected into their conversation.

Kamato giggled, "I thought so. He seems more tired than usual." So it wasn't just her who'd noticed.

"He caught some low-level thugs last night apparently. 3 am. Maybe take it easy on him today?" Amajiki offered, his own tired eyes showing just how important their class' placidity would be in hopes of not getting expelled.

"Thanks for the heads up Amajiki. Undoubtedly he'll be glad to be away from his first-years today." Miya thanked him, her thoughts drifting momentarily to her actual homeroom teacher who was actually with 1-A. 'He's going to be having a great time,' she laughed to herself.

"Miya! I've been meaning to ask, what do you want to do for your birthday next weekend?" Kamato turned to her friend excitedly.

'Oh shit... my birthday is next weekend?' She'd been a little preoccupied lately and hadn't realised it creeping up so suddenly. "I- uh-" She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts, "I haven't really thought about it. Actually I completely forgot-"

"You forgot?!" Again, she was met with the incredulous stare, "You only turn eighteen once, how did you forget?" Miya forgot her friend had a thing for birthdays.

"Pick your mouth up off the ground, you. I just didn't think it was so soon!" She bit her lip thoughtfully, considering what she'd been wanting to do for her birthday. "If you're willing to join me, I'd like to go into Tokyo and stay for the weekend?"

"Are you kidding, of course I'll come! That would be so awesome." Masumi's eagerness made her realise how grateful she was for this wonderful friend, "I'm sure we can get Aizawa to agree to giving us leave permission for the weekend."

the whisper of a feeling [Aizawa x Student]Where stories live. Discover now