Gigi Hadid- Off Limits

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@nugsnotwar I hope you like it

Gigi's POV:

Me, Bella and Anwar had just gotten into the car to go to dinner. Milan Fashion Week had just ended and all of us had walked in a bunch of shows and now we were going out to eat a shit ton of pasta and pizza with friends because it was over.

Which friends were we going to meet you might ask? Just you know some close model friends who also walked in shows this week. Joan couldn't make it so only Kendall was coming, oh and her younger brother.

Y/N Jenner was Kendall and Kylie's younger brother, and like Kendall was blessed with the tall genes, which meant he was one of the top male models in the world, actually he is the world's highest paid male model.

He was over 6 feet tall and had the world's sharpest jawline like I'm pretty sure. He had done campaigns and shows for huge brands including Calvin Klein and Louis Vuitton. He was one of them people who looked like an angel, whilst still looking like a bad ass. By now you probably wouldn't be surprised if I told you I liked him. 

It wasn't just his good looks that stole my heart though, it was everything else about him. His humility and generosity were some of his hidden qualities. If you think male model, you might think arrogant, fuckboy, asshole and ungrateful but Y/N was the complete opposite.

Obviously I hadn't told anybody about my huge crush on him but it was getting harder and harder to be around him and act 'normal'.

Anyway, Bella shook me out of my daydream as we arrived at the restaurant. We walked over to the table where Kendall and Y/N already say with their backs towards us. As we got closer we saw them showing each other the different unreleased photos from their family campaign with Calvin Klein, whilst discussing the next shoot.

I grabbed their shoulders unexpectedly making them both jump, we all laughed and eventually sat down. Anwar took the seat next to Y/N but I ended up sitting opposite him anyway.

We had ordered and were waiting for our food, did I mention that Y/N was also incredibly funny. He was cracking jokes left, right and center and we were all laughing hysterically, earning some weird looks. By the time our food came the rest of us were clutching our bellies, still laughing.

I was happily tucking into my pasta when I accidentally stepped on someone's foot under the table, I looked around at all of their faces trying to figure out whose it may have been, they all looked undisturbed except Y/N who was also scanning everyone's faces trying to figure out who stepped on his foot. His eyes landed on mine and I immediately looked down out of embarrassment and carried on eating.

Y/N's POV:

I smiled as Gigi looked down in embarrassment, she was just so perfect. I really did like her but knew we could never be, I knew she couldn't have liked me, she was best friends with my older sister and from what I'd heard she wasn't even seeking a relationship nowadays, following her breakup with Zayn I heard she wanted time to concentrate on herself.

Despite all this I couldn't help but feel like I had to do something back, thanks to my long ass legs I managed to wrap my feet around her chair legs and pulled her closer, everyone realized she was slowly moving forward but no one knew it was me, she did though clearly and gave me a playful smirk.

We went back and forth, secretly doing childish stuff whilst everyone else carried on talking. It escalated quite quickly though as I felt her feet on my lap, inches away from my now growing bulge. She could see my face going red and knew what was up. She smirked once more and I could feel her getting closer and closer to my bulge...

Then there was a scream as a wine glass fell to the floor. Bella's clumsy ass dropped her glass of wine on the floor and Gigi's rapid reflexes meant her legs were back in their own space.

After some more eating, drinking and laughing Gigi excused herself to go to the restroom, I also got up telling everyone that tonight's meal was on me, I quickly went to pay then headed to the ladies restroom which thankfully was a long way away from our table.

I sneaked into the restroom where I saw Gigi reapplying her lipstick in the mirror, we made eye contact and I could immediately tell that I loved her and she loved me. I slowly walked towards her as I stared into her eyes. Then gently took her face in my hands, switching my gaze between her eyes and her lips. We both edged closer, I could feel her breath on my lips and less than a second until our lips finally touched and we were interrupted as some one walked into the restroom and gasped. We both pulled away as we recognized who it was....Kendall.

Kendall's POV:

Once I caught Y/N and Gigi almost kissing I kept a close eye on both of them throughout the rest of our dinner, they were both fairly quiet and avoided eye contact with me. 

I had dragged him out the restroom and tried talking to Gigi.



'So how know..has it been?'

'This was the first Ken...I promise...I really lik-'

'He's my brother. You know that which means he's off limits'.


'Please Gigi just leave him alone, I don't want to lose either of you if your relationship doesn't last so no, you can't date my little brother. He is off limits'.

Then I walked out and headed back to the table, wondering why and how I hadn't realized their crushes on each other before.

Me and Y/N were heading back to our hotel, an awkward silence filled the air instead of the lame jokes he would make usually. I did obviously feel bad for him and Gigi, I was stopping them from being together because I was scared about what would happen if they broke up.

Y/N was just say there looking anxious and very tense, I edged closer to ruffle his hair making him look at me, he tried to hide his smile almost like a child but it only worked for a few seconds. After this he seemed less tense and we were able to speak properly, breaking the silence. Even then none of us wanted to bring up the restroom incident.


Just over a month had passed and from what I knew Y/N and Gigi hadn't seen or spoken to each other. It was Sunday and everyone was coming to mom's house after Kanye's church service for a barbeque.

We had just reached home, me and Y/N were very close and drove home together, after that me, him and Khloe were all talking on the couch. Me and Khloe were trying to braid Y/N's newly dyed hair whilst he squealed but failed since it was too short. I completely forgot that the Hadid family were invited, Gigi and Anwar came in first. I hugged them both giving Gigi a small smile.

I could see the sadness in her eyes, just like I could see in Y/N's. Could I really get in their way?

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