Chapter 17

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The next day was a little bit different from yesterday. I was so used to being inside the hospital that it felt weird since, I was back at home again.

Before it was finally time for me to have my baby, I was in labor for just about three hours after, my water broke. But, that wasn't the worst part of the story yet.. I had to keep pushing even though it felt like I was about to break in half.

I'm not trying to have anymore babies for right now because, I need to focus on going back to take the classes that I need to sign up for before September comes. Right now, I'm working at a call center instead of my other job at the grocery store. I got 12 weeks for maternity leave and I am going to take full advantage of it.

" Hello, my beautiful little girl.. Do you wanna come with mommy while she visits your grandmother? " I said in the cutest way possible.

Tanisha was in her crib looking up at me and began to smile at me while, I picked her up walking towards the front door.

" Can't forget the keys to the truck.. " I thought to myself. Eventually, I found them.. They was inside the bedroom on Deandre's side of the bed on the nightstand. He doesn't want me driving but, I need to get the rest of my things back from the house and I didn't want to wake him up. So, I left and drove back to the apartments.


" I can't believe she did that.. " I told my big brother in shock about the news I just heard.

" She'll eventually get over it.. I told her, that it was your choice and you had to live with it. Not her. " He said.

My mom was still upset over me getting pregnant and moving in with my boyfriend.. at this point, I'm not really stunning it. This was my decision, not hers. It was just one mistake and we are both learning from it by taking care and raising Tanisha.

" I'm just about tired of her. She doesn't have to worry about me or my baby, I got this and don't need any help from her.  " I said.

" I don't know about that but, try talking to her like you used to do. " He suggested.

" I'll try too. But, you know how she is. Just old-fashioned. " I said.


When my brother helped me take my things out to the car, I made sure Tanisha was placed right in her card seat.

" Look, I'll catch you later. Thanks for helping me, love you. " I said.

Once I made it back home, I took Tanisha out of her seat and began to put her inside of the play pin that was by the television.

I started to bring in my things little by little. Before, I seen Deandre watching me.

" Aaliyah, what are you doing? " He asked.

" I had to get my clothes if I'm gonna move in with you, silly. " I replied.

" You should had told me where you was going.. you're not even supposed to be out. " He said.

" I'm sorry that I had you worried but, I was fine. Nothing didn't happen. " I explained.

" I know that.. but, you just had a baby and I need you to just rest before you hurt yourself. " He said.

" I'll just stay in the house then.. but, don't be getting upset with me when I need you to go somewhere for me. " I said.

" I won't. But, you don't even look well enough to be walking outside. That's why I was worried. " He said.

" Don't.. I'll be fine. " I kissed him on the lips and waited into the bedroom to put my things away.

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