Chapter Two

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He sighed, the action caused vibrations to scatter throughout his chest before he settles the bag on top of the kitchen counter and and wandered idly to the television.

"Stupid tree."


    The day began a little chillier than the usual, considering it was what, sunny as fuck? Nevertheless, Hibiki decided it wasn't going to phase him as he locked up the front door for the start of a new day.

Saturday. His school was one of the few which didn't have a six-day school week and thus his weekends were reserved for free time. He had been sixteen for nearly a month now, snippets of his birthday played within his mind in frames and a faint smile managed to surface upon his lips.

Birds chirped within the distance, and the usual commotion on oncoming traffic was heard wherever he faced. The usual commute to his favourite cafe was denser than usual, however, was willing to put off with the slight discomfort knowing he'd finally be able to relax in the mere minutes ahead of him.

Clear skies. Not a single cloud in sight. A plane hovered in the crystal blue setting, marking condensation trails into the plain canvas as it travelled from point A to point B.

Point A... to Point B. Where was he going again?

Right. The cafe.

The bitter and potent aroma of coffee was the first thing Hibiki noticed when the made his way inside. The second was the soft chime of the doorbell that announced his arrival and the head of a barista perk up in awareness.

Female, blonde. Gorgeous hazel irises. Minaya Kaname, or Mimi as she preferred, gave Hibiki a curt wave as he made his way over to his usual table. Being a regular customer it was a subconscious ritual to make sure one table was left for him. From 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Luna Moth Cafe had opened nearly two years ago, yet never ceased to amaze Hibiki and his adoration for both moths -specifically the Actias luna in this case- and coffee.

"Just the usual, Mr Tsuneo?" A chipper feminine voice questioned with enthusiasm as he placed himself on the wooden birch seat.

"As well as a chocolate muffin, thank you."

"Right away. We shall have it ready for you soon." The waitress gave a curt nod as she had written down the order before wandering away to the counter area, leaving Hibiki to the comforts of his thought.

He hadn't bothered to let his Black Ghost roam around the house today. His neighbours had been snooping lately after hearing a loud crash in his house whilst he was gone at school. Hibiki reassured that it was probably his dog trashing the house. He didn't own a dog, but they didn't know that. And he sure as hell scolded the 'dog' after finding the bookshelf in his study tossed to the ground and all his favourite novels strewn across the floor.

Yes. He wasn't happy about that.

Hibiki lifted his head and tuned in to the news report. It was the same thing as it was today, the news of a new Ajin in Japan.

Kei Nagai. They both go to the same school, in the same year, but attended different classes so the only time Hibiki ever saw him in person was homeroom at the beginning and end of each school day. He hadn't bothered to converse with the guy, as the other was always studying books, flashcards and what not to be as he quoted 'a fine and upstanding human being'. After rumours went around that he was no longer friends with that Kaito fellow, Hibiki decided to be nothing more than acquaintances as the suddenness was odd, even for him.

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