Chapter Three

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Ahh. Finally. Sweet Death.

Oh, wait. He can’t die.

Fuck. It sucks to be an Ajin right now.


You know what. It really does.

For a full moment, Hibiki Tsuneo forgot that he was a dreaded Ajin, the demi-humans human civilisation feared. Though he died, it was worse than another taking his place. Maybe that's why he did it, why he was so reckless in pursuing the attacker without a care for himself.

Because he is an Ajin. He's the motherfucker that can't die.

Now you see, Ajins would be pretty useful. Because of their inability to die -no research has shown otherwise- they would be great law enforcers or militarians. At moments when lives would be at stake, Ajins could go in and focus on keeping the allied or victims' lives instead of also themselves. Ajins would be pretty useful.

Too bad they're seen as crap.

For some reason, it took a bit for him to start the regeneration process. Though he was dead, he was still able to sense things around him. It was weird, like he was observing himself outside his body. But it was always the same each time. Hibiki would take two minutes after his death to begin, and then that was everyone's queue to freak the fuck out.

Why were Ajins hated again?

No clue. It probably didn't help that the 'Soldier of God' seemed like a walking weapon of mass destruction.

Praise to you, you piece of shit.

"Oh my god, he's moving!"

Those were the first words he heard as his bones started piecing themselves back together, his skin melt and become smooth. The mass of black matter particles fizzed in the air in the sound of static, like a loud television without signal. 

"He's an Ajin. The freak's a bloody Ajin!"

Oh. Muttonfuck.

When he finally had the ability to move his muscles, Hibiki lifted a hand and bunched it up before pushing himself off the ground. One of his legs had just finished healing, and so he focused all his weight on that as the other hung limp.

He examined his clothing which was now covered in dirt and filth, riddled with holes and tainted with both the man’s blood and his own.

Oh, how he hated the smell of blood.

He spat once to the side, to ride the disgusting metallic taste that still lingered in his mouth and itched the back of his throat like a cough. Alas, the coffee aftertaste no longer lingered, and by this time he realised he never finished his coffee.

His cafe latte extra shot and probs-not-hot-by-now. And the chocolate muffin. He didn’t get to eat his chocolate muffin.

What a fabulous fucking Saturday Ladies and Gents and Other-gendered Folk.

Hibiki blinked once, then twice, before he scanned his surroundings to find that he was surrounded by a crowd and the sound of sirens in the distance. They weren’t ambulance-

Oh shit.

With a yelp, he pivoted on his foot to run away from the sirens, and run face-first into the truck. Yes, the same fucking truck that ran him over. With a groan, he held his nose, which he was positive was broken now and bolted from the scene. The frantic screams of citizens erupted as they jumped out of his way, thinking he was poised to attack them when really all he wanted to do was run off, go home and cry into his bed for hours. But right now, he could only do one of the three.

And one certainly didn’t involve his bed.

So for now, an alleyway would be his next best option. Turning left down the street he began seeing more two-story houses and smaller multi-story buildings. The look from a couple he ran across was something he didn’t want to see again. Finding an opening up ahead, Hibiki scurried into a narrow passageway-

What the fuck was that?

What is this black and purple thing?

It was just this… massive blob.


His stomach dropped and skin paled as he attempted to stop himself before colliding again the blob mass. He hands stretched out for something to grab onto, anything, HECK even anyone! The tips of his fingers grazed along the edge of a brick that stuck out before passing by, and by then his leg was halfway through the thing.

Oh god is this a portal?

Oh uh.

Uh oh.

He screamed as his entire body sunk through with ease, and no longer was he falling forward.

Nu uh. He was falling down now.

And let this be known, ever since a certain tree-climbing accident as a child, he’s had a moderate fear of heights.

Just moderate. I promise. But I suppose anyone would fear heights when they’re falling over hundreds of meters AND ABOUT TO PLUMMET THE FUCKING GROUND!

Gotta love gravity.

As he was falling closer and closer to the ground, he took note of the usually large amount of green grass that was below him. There were also a lot of trees too. He doesn’t know a place in the cities of Japan that would have that much nature close by. Oh, but then again he did stumble upon a portal.

There was a high chance that he was going to die for the second time today. There was nothing nearby that he could cling onto with ease. Another, even if he could summon his Ajin, the prick would be stubborn and not come to his rescue. The ghost itself knew that he wasn't able to die, and therefore saw it as illogical to waste energy when in the end Hibiki will be alright.

Granted he was going to experience a plethora of agony once he turned to mush against the concrete pavement -wait no there was dirt beneath his fall now- but he'll only feel it for a moment before his body forced itself to shut down before the regeneration process began.

He supposed the grass would cushion the impact if there were any beneath him. But only slightly.

Only slightly.

By this time he only just realised he was screaming, his shriek would be agony to anyone's ears as he could see the soundwaves repel from his mouth and stagger towards the ground at an alarming speed faster than his falling rate. He hadn't meant to set it off, but falling from so high up was something that would overwhelm everyone.

As Hibiki was mere meters from the ground, time seemed to slow down drastically and his surroundings became crystal clear. Tall pale walls bordered the perimeter and the gigantic four buildings that were attached by closed off walkways suspended on higher levels from the ground. On the dirt sports grounds white line court markers were visible and students were crowded off to one area, one green haired unfamiliar standing poised on the center of a line circle with a ball in hand mid throw.

Hibiki's eyes widened as he saw sparks scatter around the ball, and realised it was heading right at him. If he had the time he would've groaned, but before his body met the harsh dirt ground a loud "SMASH!" droaned out before the same ball propelled at inhuman speed and collided right against his ribcage.

"Oh. Shit."

And as the ball impales his body clean through and blasts on down it's path, Hibiki's body hit the ground with a loud, wet and crackled thud and red fills his vision before the darkness welcomed his presence once more.

Cataclysm (Katsuki Bakugou X Ajin!Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang