Chapter Five

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"Well it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem seeing as you're a zombie."

"Ah no, zombies are already dead. I'm alive."

"Does it really matter at this point?"

"I suppose not." He mumbled. A smirk surfaced on the teacher's facial features.



"That's a rat."

"Actually, we're not sure what he is."

"The rat's pouring tea."

"English Breakfast or Earl Grey?"

He reeled back in surprise. A white mammal with a bare tail that reminded him of a white rat held a pot in its grasp, his beady black eyes staring cheerily to Hibiki. He noticed a scar over its right eye, and tilted his head in curiosity.

"The rat talks."

"That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!" The tea pot was held up once more. "Now, English Breakfast, or Earl Grey?"

"English Breakfast, thanks." He mumbled, and sat down on the other side of the coffee table as he glanced to Aizawa with a look of disbelief.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. That's the Principal."

"You're shitting me." He gasped as he faced the animal again.

"Language boy. Now I heard you entered my school by falling through a portal thousands of meters up in the sky."

"Unintentionally yes, sir." He nods slowly, a little weary as he picked up the cup. He blew on the piping hot liquid twice before taking a small sip. It's not coffee obviously but it'll do.

"This school has infrared sensors lined throughout the campus and alarms that you surprisingly didn't trigger."

Hibiki glanced to Aizawa. "I guess you forgot to explain that I died as soon as I hit the ground?"

"Oh no." Nezuh chuckled. "Mr. Aizawa was highly detailed in that part of his report. But nevertheless I am quite surprised. Even if you came from a different world surely you would have triggered security system."

"I wouldn't know how to explain it to you if I had an answer, sir."

"I assumed that, it isn't high on my priority unless you know of any others that would enter from your world to ours, that would be deemed a threat by any chance?"

A curt shake of the head.

"Good. Now of course I've been given all the details about the treatment of, Ajins was it, back in your world. Of course you are still free to head back home if you wish and we will assist as best as we can, but despite either option I've decided that UA shall keep you as a charge under our protection and you shall attend classes like the rest of the students. Does this sound reasonable?"

"I see no problem with that." He mumbled.

"Good. Now of course, regarding your abilities relating to you being of an Ajin. You have told Mr Aizawa that you can heal and resurrect?"

"Only myself. An Ajin's body is comprised of Black Matter and that's the main source of our abilities including self-healing and resurrection." He corrected.

Aizawa faced him. "So those aren't the only things you can do?" Hibiki nods slowly.

"Can you explain? Or at least show us?"

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