Chapter Six

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But would the efforts he put into this world be enough to make a difference in his own?

There was a slim chance, but he was willing to chase after it, and become the first Ajin hero.

"Oh shit I forgot the ghost."


Night had fallen and and a new day soon rose, the birds chirped their usual morning tune, and the faint sounds of city traffic sounded far off in the distance.

A television set was placed in the center of a bare room, low-hanging light fixtures illuminated pathetically as background noise scurried around a woman who watched the news idly. But her stoic demeanour was beginning to fume into something catastrophic.

"It has been a day since Hibiki Tsuneo was discovered to be an Ajin after an accident involving the suspect and a human burglar outside of the ever-growing popular 'Luna Moth Cafe'. A Nation-wide hunt has begun by government authorities of Japan for both Tsueno and Kei Nagai who had been discovered in a similar accident just days before the discovery of Japan's fourth Ajin citizens of the Shizuoka prefecture near Tsuneo's home have been questioned by the police for any possible leads-."

The television was switched off abruptly, or rather smashed with the assistance of a moderate-sized projectile that struck the screen and shattered into millions of fragments.

A low growl echoed in the cold air.

"I thought I told you to keep an eye on him!" A loud slap accumulates before it was followed by a yelp.

"I didn't mean to lose track of him Ma'am! I just went to the bathroom an-!"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR YOUR FUCKING EXCUSES!" A wooden chair was thrown across the room, an abandoned warehouse with concrete flooring before the piece of furniture collided against the rough asphalt. "GET. Out of my sight. You!" A snap of the fingers towards a stocky brute in a clad of heavy duty armour, a black ghost towered behind the burly man with two pairs of large arms and fists poised and ready to attack.

"Deal with that scum."

"Yes Ma'am."  A grunt before the clicks of combat boots echoed and the whimpered yelps from the accused as the man hauled the other by the collar and left the room.

"How. On. Earth did you guys lose him!?" The woman threw her hands up defeat as she rose from a chair situated by a foldout table, low muttered curses rang throughout. "He was at the cafe before the ghastly human interfered. We were gonna finally make contact with him. It was going to be a reunion."

A turn of the heel as they pivoted around to the group of Ajins lined up at her beckoning call. "And then we lost him. We let him fucking weasle his way out of our grasp! NOT ONLY THAT BUT NOW THE WHOLE OF JAPAN KNOWS!?"

"Ma'am I'm sure we will be able to find him aga-."

"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" A loud snarl, vicious and feral as a winged Black Ghost loomed over in the rafters overhanging. A static chuckle echoed, eery and taunting as it's owner allowed her temper to explode before the very men and women of her guild.

"If we end up finding him again, IF, you will NOT lose him again." Her wine red irises glared daggers into the gaze of each before her, her shadow casting down on them to remind that she was their leader, and you should never upset your leader. "AM I CLEAR!?"

"Yes Ma'am!"


"Yes Ma'am understood!"

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