Chapter Four

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And as the ball impales his body clean through and blasts on down it's path, Hibiki's body hit the ground with a loud, wet and crackled thud and red fills his vision before the darkness welcomed his presence once more.


Hibiki doesn't know which was worse.

The pain he felt as he hit the ground before blacking out, or the pain he felt when waking up.

Here's a little thing you won't know. When he dies, depending on how severe his injuries are he will be in a 'conscious' state as his body rebuilds itself. Of course whilst he's awake for this, he will feel everything. From the pain of his injuries subsiding to the pain from his body repairing itself. It is certainly agonising.

Hibiki was also well aware of a couple people that stood around his currently pathetic form, the atmosphere filled with panic and hysteria as one word was thrown around with such fear and aggression.

"Is that a villain?!"


Were they calling him a villain? Why? He just plummeted to his temporary-death stasis. If anything he's the victim here.

If he could shake his head he would.

"Where on earth did he come from?"

"Is he even alive?"

"Step back students. We don't even know if they're a villain attempting an attack."

"Are you fucking serious?" This voice was deep and gruff, laced with venom in their attitude. "The piece of trash is covered in his own damn blood and guts! I doubt he's alive now and anything of a fucking threat!"

The comforting sounds of static began to fill his eardrums, a mental smile surfacing as once again his body began to repair itself as it was. His eyes slowly fluttered open and gasps expelled from those surrounding him, seeing specks of black matter around his limbs and the remainder of his form.

A low groan of pain shook through his chest, he was slowly coming together now.

When his body repaired itself and he was still unable to move, it felt like an overwhelming wave of sleep paralysis. Hibiki had it often as a child, following any night terrors he experienced before waking up to find himself deathly still with the pest by his side, often on his chest.

Stupid thing would laugh at him. Still does it now. Stupid tree.

Where is that ghost now?

"No fucking way..." A tall ash-blond male stood nearby with bright, crimson-red irises and a toothy snarl.

"It must be his quirk."

"He's still alive?!"

"Yes and he can hear perfectly." He groaned again, lifting a hand to cover his ear as he slowly got up. His body felt stiff, having not relaxed as the ground broke his fall. Majority of his pain resided along his spine and ribcage where the ball impaled him. His vision was still blurry, but that didn't mean he couldn't see the mass of black towering over him in a taunting manner.

Ahh so there it was.

"I suggest you plan your next movements carefully. You are intruding on school property and I will not hesitate to put you in your place."

... Huh?

Hibiki blinked twice to let his vision adjust, before glancing up to the source of the voice. He gave a look of confusion as he found himself face to face with a slender raven-haired male, a scruffy and unkempt appearance and adorning black clothing paired with...

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