'Quirk' Description, Ajin

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Quirk: Ajin

Define: Ajins are a race featured within the ‘Ajin: Demi-human’ universe in which Hibiki Tsuneo originated from. They are demi-humans, immortal, and have the ability to summon Black Ghosts and control Black Matter (originally Invisible Black Matter ‘IBM’) to name a few abilities.

Quirk Type: Transformative/Mutation/Emitter

Quirk Range: All Ranges

Quirk Abilities:

-Black Ghost (BG)-

Ghosts are made up of BM and normally have a humanoid form but can have inhuman characteristics, standing at 225 cm (7’4”). Ghosts are usually controlled for combat purposes, but they can also be utilized in other ways as Tsuneo knows how to control his BG properly. Tsuneo’s Black Ghosts also seem to have a will of its own and are shown to be quite intelligent. Black Ghosts often mimic the 'core' personality of their host. Black Ghosts can also mimic their host's speech.

-One fatal blow to the head (only weak spot) by blunt force can destroy a Black Ghost. Results in a migraine.
-The connection between Tsuneo and his Ghosts can also be hindered by water; analogous to how a cell phone's signal can be disrupted when there's heavy rain. If Tsuneo and his Ghost's 'connection' are severed, the Ghost will vanish eventually, thus inactivating ‘Black Ghost’.
-If left alone for too long, becomes harder to control.
-Are intelligent and self-aware so may be difficult to control already.

-Paralysing Scream-

Emits a shriek that seizes the nervous system, paralyzing everyone in a 10-metre radius, or selected targets. Makes targets immobilized for 10 minutes max, or neutralized by Tsuneo if he wishes.


Can be counteracted/ineffective by wearing earplugs or other noise dampeners. Covering ears with hands doesn't muffle effects.
-Tsuneo receives headaches/sore vocal cords after prolonged use.
-Whilst screams can be amplified, the consequence for this is either sudden unconsciousness of the target or bleeding to the ears, not enough to cause permanent deafness.

-Black Matter-

Main cause of the Ajin's powers, all Ajin shown so far possess Black Matter, which can be seen by normal humans depending on BM density. This matter is what allows Tsuneo to replace any lost body tissues or nutrients, but there is a more lethal way in which it can be used. BM can be shaped into weapons or manipulated similar to Deku's Full Cowl, allowing long range attacks when not using BG.

-Whilst direct manipulation of BM is possible, it can cause fatigue and migraines for Tsuneo, stiffness in joints.
-Raw BM is strenuous to control, unless it takes the form of a BG.

-Ghost Claws-

Tsuneo is able to cloak his arm limbs in black matter in ths shape that his Black Ghost's arms appear. These increase the damage and durability.

-Small time limit on how long they last.
-It is raw BM, however easier to control as its solid instead of fluid.

-Regeneration & Immortality-

They are unable to die under any circumstances, such as being completely crushed, decapitated, or even due to malnutrition, due to Tsuneo possessing an unknown matter in his body which replaces any body tissues or nutrients lost. Tsuneo uses the largest piece of flesh as a base and collects the smaller pieces for regeneration. However, pieces that are too far away are not collected but replaced instead. Though despite this he can regenerate from severed parts of his body no matter how far the location of that severed part of their body is, but only if that body part is the largest part remaining of Tsuneo's body will this happen. For example, If his entire being is completely destroyed, the severed piece of his arm that is removed from their body 100 meters away, they can regenerate their entire being from that arm. It was shown that if the head is far enough away a new head will grow. The old head will be conscious of what is going on. The new head will have all the memories and personality of the Tsuneo but technically the old head will have “died”. This is the closest known way Tsuneo can come to death.

-Immortality doesn't heal physical deformities that Tsuneo was born with.
-Only heals after dying or "resetting" otherwise their injuries will not heal immediately and will only heal at a natural rate.
-Overall, if he doesn't die after sustaining major damage he just heals like normal human.
-Cannot heal others.
-Cannot bring others back to life.
-Flood Phenomenon
-Mass of BGs created cannot be controlled during this.
-BGs created during a flood continuously act according to the emotion that triggered it's appearance until either Tsuneo’s resurrections or destroyed by a fatal blow.


-Flood Phenomenon-

If Tsuneo dies when experiencing extreme wrath or hysteria, he is able to cause a "flood" havoc by summoning multiple Black Ghosts that he can't control. 10-20 BGs are generated depending on the density of the IBM stored in Tsuneo at the time.


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