Chapter Seven

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"So, you can use your body for offence and defence combat. That's a really useful quirk man!"

"I know!" Kirishima grinned. "It's really manly, isn't it?"

Hibiki chuckled at this. "I guess you could say that.

Maybe he will enjoy his time here.


Lunchtime was officially his favourite period.

Lunch Rush may also be his favourite hero by far.

For dirt-cheap prices the food quality was impeccable, and Hibiki was in disbelief half the time as he scanned the many food choices in the cafeteria. His mouth wouldn't stop watering even after he purchased his food.

He had been invited by the brunette that sat in front of him from homeroom, and couldn't help but admit her bubbly personality was something he admired about her.

"Oh! I never told you my name!" The girl said as both she and Hibiki made their way over to a table in the cafeteria. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka."

"Hibiki Tsuneo, as you know already." He responded. "Just call me Hibiki I don't mind."

"R-really? Okay Hibiki!" Uraraka chuckled, holding her tray close as they stopped by a table. "Oh! Deku, Ida, Tsuyu, mind if Hibiki joins us?"

When he was given the all-clear, he sat by Uraraka's side and began eating. His mind went to earlier, English class, more specifically his teacher.

He's quite the loud one.

It was near the end of the lesson and Class 1-A were given free time to chat amongst themselves or finish up any class notes they hadn't completed yet. Hibiki was leaing against his desk as he organised his notes neatly into a separate folder for this class, before storing it away within his desk compartment.

"Hey listener!"

"Jesus fuck-!" Hibiki stumbled back as he threw a punch out of instinct before his balled-up fist was caught in a hand adorning a black leather fingerless glove. He gulped as he glimpsed up, spotting the loud English teacher with gelled blond hair and wearing a grunge leather attire. "Oh dear. I'm sorry Present Mic."

On his first day, Hibiki had come to realise that this was literally a world full of Heros and Villains. Like the Marvel and Dc comics he read throughout his life, both sides adorned outfits related to their power or ambition, and alias to complete it all.

Which was pretty cool if he had to admit. But if the time came to it, what would he be known as?

"Haha! It's all good kiddo! Probably didn't help that I snuck up on you."

"Which surprises me cause you're that loud." He grimaced, rubbing the side of his head as he sighed. "What's up sir?"

"Well!" Present Mic crossed his arms as he gave a wide grin. "I had a little chat this morning with Principal Nezu, Eraserhead-."

"Eraserwho?" He frowned.

"Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. You probably hadn't been informed of his alias. But anyway!" Hibiki mimicked the cockatoo man's actions and crossed his arms, leaning against his desk once more. "The entire staff faculty have been informed of your circumstance as well as your-." Present Mic lifted his arms up and maneuvered quotation gestures, "- quirk, so to speak. I was told you have some sort of paralysing scream?"

Oh, right. Hibiki had learned within the timespan of ten minutes that Present Mic, or Hizashi Yamada as his true name was, was born with the quirk 'Voice'. The eccentric man had the ability to increase the volume of his voice to inhuman decibels and burst the eardrums of any target. Whilst it was handy in distracting villains and block out other sounds, Hibiki wondered if the man ever got a sore throat from it, and was already a naturally loud person.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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