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yes,im not dead(yet)im alive ;v; so right now im at home instead of school,yall might be wondering "WHY ARE WE SUFFERING AND YOURE NOT?!?"thats because,my little fwends,yesterday,me and myfriend keep geting in arguements and you guys might be saying "why are you guys still friends then?" well that answer is,when youre really close to somebody,you cant let go so easily,and no i dont mean you alex,just this boi on roblox named mason,the one allie loves to attack ;v;,and my mom let me stay  home from school because she called it a 'emotional day' for me,and also i had a mental breakdown cuz after i watch scary things IM PARANOID AS FRICK.so yea after i came home from seeing my sis,i had a mental breakdown cuz i had to be alone upstairs and take a quick shower then come back downstairs btw NOBODY WAS HOME UP THERE SO I WAS RLLLLY PARANOID.so yeah sorry i havent posted alot,human chan out!

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