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15 July 1988

Dear Diary,

I've prepared Daniel the best I can for my departure. I've tried to explain to him, that I don't love him like that. He needs to move on and find a more suitable wife. I will miss him when I'm gone, though. I will keep The Catcher in the Rye.

20 July 1988

I think Thomas is on to his next fling. I dont understand why he cant just be content with his wife. I'm not sure, but I think he may be having an affair with someone at the manor. My poor mother.


25 July 1988

I take it back. I hate my mother. Mary has been snooping in my room again. I think she knows something is amiss with me. She knows I plan to leave. Still,  you dont see me snooping through her things.


30 July 1988

I've written Daniel a goodbye note. I will slip it under his door before I leave tomorrow. I will never see him again. I hope he has a happy life.


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