chapter 3

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In a week you managed to memorize all your classes and where they were, you found yourself in most of Chan's classes, and somehow you managed to bump into him constantly. It was like the world wanted you two to get along. The good thing was, you got closer the Haneul and you two had a few classes together.

It was Monday again, the day you most dreaded, you prayed that you didn't bump into Chan today. If you did you were sure to blow up. Hanuel was at the school's entrance as usual, waiting for you. Your first period is English, although you have it with Haneul you also have it with Chan. You wave to Hanuel, as you walk up to her. She gives you her warm smile, how you wish you had a pretty smile like hers. People might tell you that you were beautiful but you never believed them. You always had trust issues since you were little, most people only liked you because secretly you were rich. As in your parents together made millions of dollars a year. You snap back into reality as you realize Haneul is talking to you.

"How was your weekend y/n? Did you do anything fun?" she asks.
"No I mostly studied, I always do on the weekend," you reply.
"You're kidding right!? But you always study during the weekdays, you should have fun on the weekends!" Hanuel practically shouts at you.
"But I need to maintain my grades, I can't let them slip."
"..and I want to make my parents proud for once," you add softly.
You reach your english class, as both of you take a seat next to each other. After Haneul sits she turns towards you.
She gives you a sad smile, " I will always be proud of you, I'm sure your parents will be proud too. You should be proud of yourself. You're hardworking, smart, and beautiful. I don't know anyone who works harder than you. Okay? So please don't worry you will be okay, its alright to go and have fun sometimes. Speaking of fun,  there's a party at Minho's house this weekend..and I was wondering, will you please go with me?"
You sigh. You really hated parties, your parents used to drag you all the time to their fancy parties full of fake people. But as time went by, you just seemed to be a child they didn't want, so they stopped making you go to parties. You did not want to go at all, not only because  you hated parties but also because you knew Chan was going to be there. But you saw the way Hanuel looked at Minho, she was completely in love, anyone with eyes could tell. You finally nod in agreement. She squeals in excitement, just as the teacher walks in. From across the room you notice Chan and Miho sitting near the window, except Chan was staring at you, but not with hate like he usually does. It was more like curiosity. When he notices you, he quickly turns away to face the teacher.

"Alright everybody, today we are going to start our first project, which is going to be in groups of two. Now I know you might want to work with you friends and all, but I don't want you to just talking and not doing your work. So I have made a list of partners already, I chose you guys on how I observed you last week, I think I understand who goes well with who.. Please do not fight, and do your best, this is worth sixty percent of you grade." she says. Then she goes on to explain what the project is about.

As the teacher starts calling names, the girls squeal and cheer. You don't even have to ask why, it was obviously because of Chan. You wait a bit, your name hasn't been called yet. Finally you hear your name,
"And the last pair is Chan and y/n," the teacher finishes off, right when the class gasps. Everyone knew you two could never work together, you already made a reputation of "The person who hates Chan and dares to show it". Chan looks at you and smirks, playfulness in his eyes. You glare at him, boy this was going to be one interesting project.

In the end you and Chan somehow agreed on working at a cafe near your school. You two decide to meet after school on Friday, the day before Minho's party. When you arrive at the cafe, the smell of coffee and pastries, made your stomach growl. Across from where you were standing was Chan, he was in a black sweatshirt and ripped jeans. He was busy studying some English notes. You had to admit he looked good as always, but if only his personality was better. You made your way slowly, your gaze never leaving him. When you sit down, you awkwardly try to talk to him..

"Hi.." you say. Gosh why can't you communicate properly?
Chan raises a brow. "let's just get this over with shall we?"
You nod. Hopefully you wouldn't get distracted by his looks.

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