Chapter 8

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After a short drive, you arrive at the mall, which was way fancier than you expected. The mall was more like one giant building made of pure glass, with four levels of shops and restaurants. Your jaw drops, it was extraordinary.

Haneul gets out of the car, her eyes still puffy but she looked happier.

"I honestly cannot believe you have never been to this mall, it's the most popular one at our school. Everyone shops here."

"Guess I never really heard of it" you reply.

Chan shuts the door of the car, and walks up to you. His face gets closer to yours, his soft lips whispers in your ears.

"We should go here again, if you like. Just the two of us."

You were about to answer, when Haneul runs ahead, and yells at you two.

"Stop flirting in front of me, my heart is still broken!" She yells, but then laughs.

You blush, while Chan laughs.

"Aw look at you, you're all red. You're so cute when you blush, maybe I should flirt with you more." he says.

"Please don't. I'm going to die from cringing."

"Your face seems to enjoy my flirting though."

You roll your eyes, and grab his hand.

"Cmon, let's catch up to Haneul before she runs away from us!"

You and Chan run inside, just in time to catch Haneul, going inside a fancy boutique. Inside, was racks full of expensive clothing, from famous brands. It wasn't really your type as you preferred comfortable clothing, such as hoodie and jeans. But you knew Haneul liked big brand named clothing. You and Chan went up to Haneul as she was holding a sparkling black dress, with a low cut around the chest area.

Haneul smiles as she puts it in front of her body, but then her face turns into confusion.

"What's wrong?" you ask. Was Minho right behind you?

"Why are you and Chan holding hands? Is there something I don't know about?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

You quickly glance down and realize you and Chan were still holding hands. You let go, the warmth of his hands still on yours.

Chan avoids your gaze, looking the other way.

"No. Nothing's going on, I just took his hand to make him run with me, to get to you. That's all."

Haneul shrugs as if to say if you say so.

Over the next half hour Haneul tries on at least 15 different dresses, finally only getting 5 of them.

"Let's go eat! I'm starving from trying on all those clothes. " Haneul says, just as her stomach growls.

You and Chan both agree. The three of you make your way towards the third floor which most of the restaurants were. You three walk around, looking to see which catches your eyes. Finally you three agree on a noodle place famous for their Phở. (MY VIET PEOPLE WHERE YOU AT?) As you walk in the smell of fresh herbs and savory beef makes your stomach growl. You absolutely loved phở, it was your favorite Vietnamese dish, although you never had been good at cooking so you could never make it. Chan and Haneul tells you that you could choose where to sit so you choose a table near the sides of the restaurant. The sides had a glass window with the view of the outside, which you found breathtaking. You couldn't hide your excitement as you ran towards the table with a big smile on your face. You sat down, making sure you picked the seat closest to the window. Chan took a seat in front of you while Haneul sat in front of you. You take out your phone as you snap pictures of the view, it was truly took your breath away.

"Hey y/n, what do you recommend? I'm not sure what to get,I don't eat noodles often." Chan asks you.

"Oh definitely their phở! It's the best kind of noodles, and here they make it pretty well." you reply.

Chan nods, "Guess I'll get that then." Haneul agrees. You call a waiter over, what you didn't expect was the waiter to be really good looking, have a beautiful smile, and soft eyes. The waiter walks up to your table, and smiles at you. You couldn't help but smile back.

"What would you like to order today, ladies..and gentleman?" the waiter's gaze falls on Chan.

"Phở would be good for all of us," Chan replies.

"Alright and what would you like to drink?" the waiter turns to you.

'Water will be good thanks"

Chan and Haneul nod in agreement, her gaze goes from you to the waiter, she winks.

"Okay, and here you will need this when you pay," he hands you a piece of paper with the number of your table, and with that the waiter leaves. But then you notice that the back of the paper had a phone number on it.

"Hope you can call and text me. And sorry if this is creepy, but honestly you're so cute I think I'm in love." You raise a brow as you read the note.

"Oh my is it from him?" Haneul squeals. From the corner of your eye you can see Chan rolling his eyes.

He mumbled something that sounded like "what's so good about him?"

"Yeah, but he seems a bit weird so I'm not sure what I'm going to do."

"It will be fine! Just text him and see how it goes from there,"

You nod, and excuse yourself to go to the restroom, just as you head towards the bathroom, you see someone walk in.

It was Minho. But he wasn't alone, a girl with pale skin and long black hair held his hand.

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