Chapter 1

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[Bing] Hey, guys, have you seen Beep? I can't find her anywhere.

the gang started looking for her too but couldn't find her anywhere.

[Jet] Hey. What that on the floor over there?

The others wheeled over to what the thing was and it was Beep.

[Bo]Beep! Are you ok?

[Beep] I-I c-can't m-move. H-help m-me!

she looks like she was in pain she didn't even have the energy to cry and before she knew it she passed out. Bo immediately pick her up and took her to her home.

A few hours later Beep woke up in pain and found herself in bed with Bang on one side and Jazz on the other. She had cuts and bruises all over her and she had a Splitting headache.

[Beep] Bang, Jazz? W-Where am I?

[Bang] You fainted when we saw you lying on the floor, man.

[Jazz] Yeah, Bo had to carry you all the way here. We were worried sick!

Jazz wheeled closer to Beep and hugged her which made Her scream in pain.

[Beep] OUCH!

[Jazz] oh, Sorry.

[Beep] I think I need to lie back down. I tell you guys what happened later.

Jazz and Bang left the after Beep fell asleep. They thought she really needed some time to rest.

Jazz could feel tears coming down her face and she quickly wiped them away so Bang couldn't see them.

[Bang] Are you ok, Jazz?

[Jazz] Not really. I'm kinda feeling sad for Beep.

[Bang] I feel sad her too, man. But she's gonna be fine.

[Jazz] How do you know for sure?

[Bang] Well, I have have my moments.

To Be Continued

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