Chapter 7

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After awhile Bang went to find Beep but this time she wasn't in her room when he looked in there. Eventually he found her curled up in a ball on the floor crying.

[Bang] I'm so sorry, man. I know how much Patch meant to you.

[Beep] (Crying) I-I'm n-not r-ready to loose h-him. I can't loose him.

Beep then got up and hugged Bang she couldn't even calm down first because she was so sad.

[Bang] So what's exactly happened that got you so upset?

[Beep] (Crying) Well, I-I guess all I can is...I'm scared. Y-You see, Jen h-has been m-mean to me my w-whole l-life a-and it n-never s-stopped.

[Bang] Please stop crying, Beep. You know it hurts my feelings when you cry.

[Beep] S-Sorry but I'm just too upset and scared. I-I just want Patch to be ok.

[Bang] How about you sleep with me tonight. Would that make you feel better?

[Beep] Yeah, thanks.

So Beep slept with Bang that night. Bang could tell that Beep was still upset about what happened to Patch because she was crying in her sleep which made Bang not sleep that well either. The next morning Bang felt a little sore. He turned over to see Beep and she was still crying. He couldn't believe that she was crying the whole night. He tried to wake her up and when Beep opened her eyes their were red and swollen.

[Beep] Oh. Morning, Bang.

[Bang] Hey, Beep. Have you been crying the whole night through.

[Beep] No. I slept but then started crying again 3 hours ago.

[Bang] come on. Let's see what the others are doing.

When they got out there everyone asked if Beep was ok but she didn't respond.

[Bo] Is Beep ok?

[Bang] I don't know, man. But she didn't sleep that much last night. Since she was so upset I let her sleep with me last night, then this morning I, like, saw that her eyes were red.

[Bing] What are we gonna do?

[Jazz] I have an idea. I've got a camera at home. There's the plans, we can use my camera and take a video of Jen hurting Beep.

[Jet] Well, I'm not sure on how we're gonna do that but it can't hurt to give it a try.

To Be Continued

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