Chapter 12

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Hap was a little less busy than usual but he was still in a stressful mood. Then Beep and Jazz popped in through the inner tube.

[Hap] What are you doing in here? And why are is Beep covered in bruises?

[Jazz] That's why we're here, sir. Jen has been hurting Beep for a while now.

[Hap] What? For once I don't know what you to are talking about.

[Beep] Maybe You'll understand after you look at this, Hap.

Beep handed Hap the tape and he pushed it in the video box to see what they were talking about. After the video Beep started tearing up a little and Hap was shocked but was angry at the same time.

[Hap] What the heck?! How long has this been going on for? And why didn't you...Huh?

At that moment Beep started crying again but was trying to hold it in because she never cried in front of Hap before. But she couldn't so Jazz had to explain.

[Hap] W-What's the matter with her?

[Jazz] I think she's a little scared. This has been going for a few weeks now, and we didn't tell you before because she Beep needed our help.

[Hap] Well, I'd better talk to Jen but right now we got work to do.

[Jazz] Thanks, Sir. Come on, Beep.

Beep and Jazz then jumped up into the inner tube and out of Hap's office. When they got home Beep didn't really feel well. She looked a little greener than normal.

[Jazz] Uh...Beep? Are you ok?

[Beep] Yeah. I just feel a bit sick. I think I need to go lie down.

[Jazz] Ok. See you later then.

[Beep] See ya later.

To Be Continued

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