Chapter 8

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It's been a week and Beep was more upset than usual.

[Jet] Hey, Beep. Where are you guys going?

[Beep] To see if Patch is ok.

When Beep and Bang got to the vet they told them it would take a while but Beep didn't care. All she wanted was for Patch to be alright. After a 20 minute wait the vet came back with a sad look.

[Vet] I'm sorry but we couldn't save him. He's gone.

[Bang] Can we see him.

[Vet] sure.

The two both walked in to the room arch was in. When Beep was him she broke down into tears.

[Bang] Anything you want to tell him?

[Beep] (crying) Yeah. I'm sorry, Patch. T-This is all my fault. I-If I took b-better care of you n-none of t-this would've happened.

[Vet] I'm sorry but it's time to let him go.

[Bang] Ok. Come on, Beep.

[Beep] (Crying) Goodbye, Patch. I-I love you.

Beep kissed Patch on his head and left when they got back home Beep ran straight to her room

[Bing] What happened, Bang?

[Bang] Well, Patch is gone. He couldn't make it.

[Jazz] Ugh. This is all Jen's fault. But we have an idea.

[Jet] We're gonna video tape everything Jen says and does to Beep.

[Bang] Good idea, man. But, like, what are we gonna do with the tape?

[Jazz] Show it to Hap of course.

[Bing] never told us that part.

[Jazz] Yeah. I might've left out that one detail.

[Bo] Um...I think I'd better go check on Beep.

[Bang] I don't know, man. She probably needs a little space.

[Bo] Oh. God idea.

To Be Continued

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