Chapter 2

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A few hours later the whole team thought through everything that happened to Beep.

[Jet] Do you think her cat, Patch scratched her?

[Bo] I don't think so. Patch is actually good at cheer people up.

Then Beep came out of her room holding an ice pack on her head.

[Beep] H-Hey, guys.

[Bang] Hey, Beep. How do you feel?

[Beep] A little bit better but not great. My head still hurts.

[Jazz] So what happened to you back there?

[Beep] I can't remember.

[Bo] Come on, Beep. Let's go get you some water and some towels.

[Bing] So what do we do now?

[Jazz] I'm not sure.

[Bang] Well, like, what we do we gotta think of something.

[Jet] Yeah. Besides it looked clear that Beep didn't do that to herself.

[Jazz] I think I know who did this, Jen.

After Jazz finished her sentence Bo and Beep came back.

[Bo] Why would you think that?

[Jazz] I don't know, I guess it just came into my mind because Jen was acting really mean to Beep lately.

[Beep] Well that would explain why my head hurts so much.

[Bing] We better go talk to her and tell do stop hurting Beep.

[Beep] No! She's way too strong and no matter what you try she won't stop.

[Bing] Well we gotta at least try.

[Bang] I'd better stay with Beep just in case.

[Bo] Good idea. I'm gonna stay here too.

[Jazz] Ok. Come on guys.

After two hours of searching for Jen they finally found her and Jack.

[Jazz] Hey, guys. Can we talk to you?"

[Jack] sure. What is it?

[Bing] Why did you guys hurt Beep?

[Jen] Because she's a loser and we had to give her what she deserved.

[Jet] Yeah, well, just leave her alone for awhile, ok?

[Jen] fine but just for a little while.

[Jazz] Thanks. Come on, guys.

When they got back Bo and Beep we're still there but Bang was gone.

[Jazz] Hi, guys. Where's Bang? And what happened to Beep?

[Bo] She just passed out and fell asleep. Bang went to get another ice pack for her.

[Bang] Here's the ice, Dudes.

then Beep opened her eyes and took the ice pack from Bang and place it on her head.

[Beep] T-Thanks Bang.

[Bing] So what now?

[Beep] maybe I just need to lie down again

but Beep was so dizzy and her head was hurting so much that all she could do was close her eyes and sit back down.

[Bo] Do you want me to take you home?

[Beep] Yes please. Help me up.

Bo picked up Beep in her arms and carried her to her room.

[Jazz] Let's hope things go back to normal.

As soon as Bo reached Beep's room she quickly dropped Beep in her bed.

[Beep] Thanks so much, Bo.

Beep then started hugging Bo. Bo hugged back and soon enough Beep fell asleep again. Bo wheeled out of the room so Beep could get some rest.

[Bo] Hope you feel better soon, Beep.

To Be Continued

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