Chapter 3

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The next morning Beep woke up feeling sore. She turned to her side to see her cat, Patch lying next to her and pick him up to stroke his fur. She loves that cat and doesn't want anything to happen to him.

[Beep] Morning, Patch. You know, I'm starting to feel a little better.

soon after Beep put Patch down Bang and Jazz came into her room.

[Jazz] Hey Beep. You feeling better?

[Beep] Much better thanks. Come on, let's go.

[Jazz] Looks like she's feeling better."

[Bang] Yeah, man. We better catch up with her.

[Beep] Hey, Guys.

When everyone saw Beep they ran up to her and hugged her as tight as they could.

[Beep] Whoa. You guy must've missed me.

[Jet] Yeah, a lot.

[Beep] Ok, you can let go now please. I..can't..breathe.

[Jazz] I'm so glad you're ok because we have to go answer a question now.

[Beep] count me in. But what about Patch?

[Jazz] down worry, Beep. Me and Jet can watch him for you.

[Beep] thanks, guys. Here, it's a list of things you have to do to take care of him.

[Jet] We won't let you down.

[Beep] Call me if anything happens.

[Jazz] Got it.

[Beep] Come on, guys. Let's go.

and off they went.

[Jazz] We're gonna be great cat sitters.

[Jet] ok, but I wouldn't speak to soon.

To Be Continued

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