Chapter 4

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[Jazz] Alright. Let go over this list.

[Jet] Well, it looks like all we have to do is feed him, wash him, and let him rest.

when Jazz and Jet saw Patch lying in his cat bed they decided to let him rest first. Jet and Jazz got a bit sleepy too.

[Jet] Do you think Beep would mind if we sleep in her bed for a while?

[Jazz] I don't think so. We'll just take a ten minute nap and then we'll get back to the list.

So Jazz and Jet took a ten minute nap as plan. When they woke up they got straight back to the list.

[Jazz] Should we feed Patch now?

[Jet] Good idea.

[Jazz] Come on, Patch. Lunch time.

But Patch didn't follow her.

[Jet] Patch, where are you? we better go find him.

They looked everywhere in Beep's room until they finally found him under Beep's bed.

[Jet] Found him.

[Jet] Well, we finished everything on the list. What should we do now?

[Jazz] Wait for the others to come back I guess.

after an hour the other storybots came back.

[Beep] Hey, guys. How'd it go?

[Jet] Really well, actually.

[Beep] Great. Thanks for you help.

[Jazz] no problem. That's what friends are for.

To Be Continued

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