Chapter 1: Me

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  • Dedicated to Nhu Ho(My Cousin)

Me, Scarlett Arieta has gone through a lot. I have been sexually harassed when I was little.... My father....he was a murderer.... I was almost killed by my father, but eventually escaped, escaped into the darkness.And my family...has turned against me.... My mother died. I don't know how but...When I came back to the house I saw her on the ground all bloody....I am now 16 years old.... gladly I am living on my own...but things have been worse then ever in school....people would never talk or associate with me because I am a daughter of a teachers would always be strict to me....but the worse part was the bullies...they called themselves the Sabertooth group.... Every where I go they are watching me.... At lunch they would bully me and say things like "Die MURDERER!" or worst of all "You should go to HELL" it has been like this to every school I go to... worst of all the teachers wouldn't do anything about the bullies, they would just give me a hateful glance... And walked past school I went to.... They even put me on the news... I had no hope...I felt like the whole world had turned against me.....until I saw a dark light.... It was calling out to me.... And I called out to the voice. in a beautiful voice, it seemed like thousands of people calling out to me....."Scarlett..... Scarlett.....come....come to our side.....we'll....give YOU HOPE....." One of the voices sounded like my beautiful mother's voice..

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