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Aleksandr wakes me up with a kiss "ok my love you must really get up" what time is it "8:30" I'm going to be late for school "just a little not to worry come on you need to get ready" what am I going to do about Alaina? "Dont worry about Alaina I called my beta his daughter goes to your school she's going to be with you the whole time I've already match your schedules and she's going to figure out who else at school can be of service to us so don't worry and I'll deal with Roman he's going to be preoccupied today now go" he gives me a little push to the bathroom. I guess I'll take a quick shower I rush in the shower making sure to wash my hair and body I turn off the water and squeeze the water from my hair and grab a towel and dry my hair than my body I see an outfit on the counter a matching bra and panties set they're my size and my favorite brand I pull the tags and put them on. There's also a pair of dark wash jeans and a loose white long sleeve shirt everything fits perfect I finish drying my hair with a hair dryer and put it in a ponytail an put on the eyeliner and lipstick that was left for me I move back to the bedroom and put on my boots and decided to go insearch of my mate when I get down stairs I see him talking to a blonde girl about my age he turns to look at me "you look beautiful mate are you ready?"yes" he reaches out and takes my hand Sansa this is Catherine my betas daughter "hi it's nice to meet you luna you can call me Cat " She's going to make sure everything goes smoothly today I don't want you to worry about anything he leans in to kiss me. I'll pick you up after school ok?" Ok" I walk towards Cat "come on luna, will make second period if we hurry I follow her outside she's driving an SUV I get in and we head toward school "I'm so honored the future alpha thought about me to look after you I know we'll be great friends and I'll introduce you around to everyone "do you know who I am ? "Yes ,Alphason Aleksandr explained everything to me I'm so glad he took you as a mate. Father always talks about how he needed a mate to make him happy he does so much for the pack he deserves to be happy ,father was starting to think there would be an Alliance mating. I'm glad he found you a love match so romantic " we got to the school and walked in "so don't worry about your sister I've got this" she smiled at me walking backwards. We walk into second period which hadn't started yet I went to walk to the back but Cat caught me "come sit with me she pulls me to the front row and sits me down they're two boys behind me and one of them leans forward to smell me Cat scolds him "James" he bends down and digs inside his backpack returning with a chocolate chip muffin he opens it and hands it to me I don't know what to do, so I eat it . The teacher comes in and class starts and everything goes back to normal my next class is the same I sit with Cat and the guys ,lunch follows, I usually sit by myself at lunch but after the food line I ended up at Cats table she sits next to me and the boys across from us "is that all your going to eat," I look down at my pizza "yes" I look at everyones plates they're overflowing with food Cat hands me something it's a chicken sandwich, "here you can have one of mine I aways get 2 I look at her plate she still has 1 plus a hamburger, fries ,pizza, pasta and a piece of cake "ok" it's getting weird I don't usually eat a lot I guess I never noticed how much other wolves eat. Than James puts a large brownie in front of me and the boy next to him who I learned was Michael puts a hamburger on my plate I start eating not wanting to hurt their feelings. Cats laughing about something when Alaina walks up to the table "Sansa what are you doing eating over here" Cat invited me "come on lets go your siting with me" no "what" I'm siting with my friends "they are not your friends come on"no "Roman isn't going to like this Sansa" it doesn't matter how Roman feels I'm staying here and eating lunch with my friends" Roman is are mate Sansa you are to listen to me when I tell you something now come a long" that's when Cat interrupts "Alaina why don't you go mind your business and go back to lunch Sansa is none of your business anymore and the sooner you realize that the better off you will be" "Do you know who I am" Alaina spoke up offend "yes I do, do you know who I am? I am the betas daughter and I have the betas legacy Now go back to your table" I could hear the command in Cats voice" Alaiana turn around and left without another word "I didn't know you were a future beta" Cat shrugged its rare for it to pass to a female but it does happen it just means the goddess sees me as being strong enough to hold the title I'll still have to earn it of course I have 4 brothers who also inherited it but I'm not worried." Thank you "it's ok Sansa I think we are going to be great friends besides your sister is dumb if she think she can control you." James looks at me again " I knew you had a strong mate I could smell him on you this morning, I could smell his power my wolf has been telling me since this morning to feed you ,to look after you I didn't realize it was the alphason I didn't recognized his scent. So we finally have a luna " he smiles Cat just laughs "my wolf told me she was our luna the moment I looked at her " James just grumbled "know it all" under his breath I laugh at that "so I have volleyball next period since its a free period for you do you want to watch I'm team captain " yeah I actually wanted to join the team at the beginning of the year but I couldn't " I don't remember you trying out" that's because I didn't " you should join the team" I don't know if Aleksandr will let me I tell her.Her eyes loses focus for a minute than her face lights up with a smile "he said that it sounds like fun and to get you everything you need to join the team. YAY "she's clapping to her self happily. Ok, after lunch we went to the gym were she came back with an extra uniform "we always order a exactly pair just incase I haven't needed mine and we are about the same size. I put it on and it being athletic wear it fits perfect. Thanks Cat "no problem have you played before or do you want to watch first? I've played before "ok your on my side than" . After class Cat was excited "I can't believe your so good and didn't join the team" Roman didn't want me playing sports so I didn't . "Well Romans an ass don't you worry about him your in for bigger and better things now I'm on the girls basketball ball team does that intrested you? " I smile and laugh out loud maybe. I like basketbal but I never really played. " I can teach you and you can join the team too if you want because guess who'sss Captain" she practically sings I laugh again I don't think I've ever laughed this much it's the best day I've had in a long time. The rest of the day follows the same pattern the boys even invite me to go to the mall after school I told them I would have to see and they said to call Cat if I decided to go and I can go with her and meet up with them I thank them and headout to the pick up line Cat runs up to me I lost her for a second after school "Your waiting on your mate" yeah he said he'd pick me up right then a big black truck pulls up Aleksandr walks around the front and strait to me and bends down and kisses me on the forehead than he rubs his nose on his mark and kisses it "I missed you all day today" he tells me than he leads me to the truck and helps me in. I look at him when he gets in he grabs my hand I missed you too "did you have a good day little mate ?" Yes the best one in forever "I'm glad"

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