
112 16 11

Age: 15

"Dude! Did you see her? She's hot as hell!" Declan, the recently single fifteen-year-old, wolf-whistled after the blonde girl that walked past. Jason fist-bumped him in agreement.

I sat there, wishing and hoping they wouldn't ask for my opinion. I couldn't even talk to Kace to pretend I hadn't heard him because Kace was in the library finishing an assignment. 

Damn him and his work ethic. 

Declan shoved my shoulder playfully.

"Did you think that chick was hot? You're always pretty quiet about girls."

Even though his tone was light, I could see the accusation in his eyes. It was either that or I was so paranoid I was seeing what I assumed would be there.

Jason looked at me expectedly as I searched my brain for what to say. If I said no, they would continue with their quiet assumptions. But if I said yes, I would be lying.

"No." As soon as I saw judgment on their faces, I quickly added, "I already have a crush on someone in my math class." 

They both raised their eyebrows, skeptical. "Who?"

Recalling the girls in my mathematics class, I said the first name that popped into my head. "Uh, Kelly."

"Kelly Lorence?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Liked her for a while. She's hot as."

Cringing internally, I watched the relief spread across Declan's features. 

Close one.



I have a lil lil something something I'm writing atm that I'm so excited to complete and post! It's a novella I'm writing for the Pride Awards! 🪄🌈🧛‍♀️

QOTC: Have you ever entered any awards on Wattpad?

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