Part 51

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Sean thrashed in the arms of the Siren, but the Siren's grip was a lot stronger than he imagined it would be. Nate was right. Years of dragging Sailors into the depths of the sea had made them stronger than any man or merfolk could hope to be. The Siren waded through the clusters of seaweed vines like a snake. The Siren propelled itself through the water with fast precision and grace. Having two thinner tails appeared to make the Sirens faster in the water. He wasn't sure he could even try to outswim him if he broke free. Frustrated, Sean tried to cry out in the water as a call for help. Only when he tried, the Siren squeezed his throat to stop him. Finally, the Siren slowed down, pulling him into a small impressively hidden tunnel in the side of an underwater land mass. The tunnel was dark, but the Siren navigated it without any issues. Sean's eyes adjusted to the dark depths, but from what he could tell... The Siren was used to the dark depths without the need to adjust.

The Siren took him into a submerged cave and Sean gasped in horror. The cave was littered with gold and jewels... along with a complete set of skeletons. Glow moss began to light up the submerged cave in dim haunting light as the Siren brought him to the center. The Siren's grip loosened enough for Sean to finally slip free and he tried to make a break for it. His hands just touched the tunnel walls, when something lashed around his waist. Sean winced, clawing the walls as he was yanked back and slammed down to floor. Sean raised his hands defensively, staring up at the Siren's sharp fanged grin. The Siren had wrapped one of its long tails around his waist, squeezing him like a snake as he quickly cinched thick roped seaweed around Sean's wrists. Sean cursed to himself. He hated this stuff. Seaweed rope was unbreakable when used underwater. The Siren untangled his tail from him as he hoisted Sean up to tie him to a ring made of thick solid rock. Sean watched him work breathlessly, pleading out nicely. "You don't have to do this... Whatever you want... Please?"

The Siren finished tying the rope, before very slowly sinking back down to his eye level. The Siren's eyes turned back to a brilliant crystal blue, upon purring out to him in a mix between Mark and Nate's voice. "I have what I want... You." The Siren tilted his head with a menacing grin, his long talon nail tracing lightly over Sean's bare collarbone. At his amulet, the Siren tapped it, telling him coolly. "Nice little trinket this... Scamming the Octomaids for such a treasure... for shame. But I can't blame you... I wouldn't want to swim with me either." The Siren's nail traveled very slowly down the natural line of his chest to his belly button, adding in a lusty whisper. "Calm yourself. I'm not going to eat you right away... I plan to savor you." Sean took slower breaths, asking him carefully. "You plan to eat me? Why? What did I ever do to you?" The Siren chuckled so beautifully that it gave Sean goosebumps. Swimming around him, the Siren playfully uttered out. "Oh, my dear boy... You didn't have to do anything... It's just in my nature."

Sean let out a whine, his legs shaking uncontrollably when he felt the Siren grab his knee. The Siren licked his tongue up the back of Sean's bare thigh, before swimming up to his back. Sean winced, feeling the Siren's nails at his lower back. However, it was hearing the Siren's voice purr into his ear that made his whole-body shiver. "You'll taste so much better than my past lovers. Sweeter. Richer in the meat." Sean swallowed hard, gesturing to the skeletons with a haunted look. The Siren pushed his thighs apart with firm hands, sliding through them like a slithering snake as he rose up to look him straight in the eyes. Grinning wickedly, the Siren sweetly cooed out in a haunting tone similar to a snake. "Yes. I never forget a lover. They stay with me forever. Want to meet them?" The Siren gracefully slithered through the water, its two tails working as one to propel it through the water like a snake. Curling around a skeleton, he stroked a hand over the front of its boney ribcage, introducing him lovingly. "I named him Alonso. He liked it rough... until he didn't."

Sean felt uneasy watching the Siren grin savagely, causing him to mumble out randomly. "The crew will know I'm missing. They'll come for me... So, I think you should consider talking to me." The Siren placed a hand on the skeleton's head, tapping his tails on it as he playfully chuckled out. "No. They don't even know you're gone. You think you merfolk are the only ones with special gifts? I can make illusions myself. They didn't see you. They couldn't hear you. You just... vanished. Just as you were drawn in to speak with me. No one is coming for you, little Demi-god." Sean took a deep breath, trying to sound confident as he told him. "Aren't you afraid of my power?! My wraith?!" The Siren slithered back around to him, placing hands on Sean's bare sides as he casually replied with a smug grin. "Your power? Your wraith? By all means... dazzle me, little prince of the sea." Sean focused on using his power, but something was wrong... It wasn't working. The Siren wrapped his arms around Sean's back, leaning close to his face to whisper mockingly innocent. "Oh... poor baby. You didn't know? Such a shame."

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