Part 69

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Sean slowly rose to his feet, staring Nate down with gentle eyes. Nate took a single step toward him, saying in a distorted voice between the scared Nate and the Siren part of Nate. "I told you to RUN." Sean staggered back only another step. He was torn between running and staying put. Looking over Nate quickly, he locked confident eyes with him. Straightening up to his full height, he firmly told Nate. "No. I'm not afraid of you, Nate." Nate shook his head with disappointment, then flicked his hand to zap a bolt of blue lightening really close to his leg. Sean flinched, but still didn't run. Instead, he clenched his jaw and shouted out. "If you wanted me dead, you would have let me fall! You won't hurt me." Nate rolled his shoulders, chuckling out smugly. "Oh Sean... Who said anything about wanting you dead? You'll only wish you were." Nate quickly closed the gap between them, snatching his wrist and hefting him over his shoulders. Sean grunted, but couldn't bring himself to hurt Nate.

He had to remain calm. There had to be a way to get out of this Siren spell. Nate might know... if he could find a way to lessen the ring's hold on him. Nate carried him to a strange door with a round window. Kicking in the door, Nate took him into a weird room. It appeared to be a Captain's room on a ship. From the ceiling hung a chandelier made of human skeletal remains. A massive king sized four poster bed sat in the center with silk red and gold sheets. On the headboard was a large Kraken crushing a ship with the words; 'Dead men tell no tales' burned into it. On one of the walls was a detailed nautical map. There was a rustic looking Captain's deck and a treasure chest behind that with a Kraken detailed on it. In the corner, beside the window and bed was a large misty fountain with shackles attached to something inside the mouth of a rock that looked like a human skull. Nate opened the black curtains on the bed and tossed him across it. Sean's body bounced on the fluffy bed, before allowing him to sit up slowly.

Sean stared at the shackles of the fountain, then looked to Nate with a pained look. It was starting to click. Taking a short breath, he wispily asked Nate. "This is a memory... The Pirate King?" Nate stiffened a second and Sean watched an ethereal image of a pirate storm into the room toward the fountain. All Sean saw was the pirate's large kraken chest tattoo, before he vanished in the mist. Nate shook his head like he was trying to push the memory from his mind and started to aggressively strip himself down. Sean shifted onto all fours, crawling slowly toward Nate. Nate's hands froze on the buttons of his shirt to look at him with suspicion. Rising slowly, Sean reached out to touch Nate's hands. Bringing his lips to Nate's, he lovingly told him. "This won't scare me, Nate. I'm not afraid of you. I love you." Nate closed his eyes, mumbling out of a clenched jaw. "Sean... This is what he wants... Stop. Run."

Sean cupped Nate's face, whispering over his lips. "I know. But trying to resist the ring's command is only hurting you... I can feel it. Don't fight it. It's ok. Sleep with me." Nate shook his head, but Sean pulled him closer, purring into his ear. "Nate, trust me. Have you ever tried to do what the ring wants before?" Nate opened his eyes, his solid glowing purple eyes dimming a bit, until just the irises were glowing a soft purple. The black veins around his eyes started to fade and Sean smiled. Pressing his lips to Nate's, he kissed him sweetly. Nate put a hand to his cheek, guiding him back across the bed. Sean obeyed, praying that he was reading Nate's emotions correctly. He could only think of one way to lessen the ring's influence on Nate. Sean's hands went to Nate's shirt to finish unbuttoning it. Nate grabbed his wrist, grunting out through clenched teeth. "Sean... If your runes glow..." Brushing his lips over Nate's, he playfully told him. "Then don't make them glow."

Nate jerked his head up with confusion on his face. Sean smirked wickedly, lifting his hands to lay them over his head. Nate rose up on all fours, clearly thinking about what he had meant. The second he got it; Nate smirked in return. Sean winked at him, then grabbed his shirt to pull him down into another kiss. Nate had spent so many years resisting his ring that he forgot one important detail. He had recalled how Granny used Nate to attack her son. It was a command that Nate had to follow... but he had a gut feeling about it now. Being forced to do something is hard to resist. However, had ever tried preforming the command his own way? Kai had commanded him to have sex with him in order to make his runes glow. Yet, the only one that would know where he liked to be touched to make them glow would be Nate and Mark. So, if Nate played with him WITHOUT touching those points... He'd be obeying the ring but on his own terms. There was always a chance that Kai would show up to command Nate to do things individually. For now though, it was a way to stall for a bit.

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