Part 86

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Mark spun the helm to the side, yelling out over the strong wind and heavy rain. "LOAD THE HARPOONS!" The crew rushed to raise the harpoon crossbows, loading up the big harpoons with rope. Sean twirled his trident over his head, churning the water to turn the ship on the low waves caused by Typhon's wings. Mark forced himself to stay focused but kept looking over at how the runes on Sean's skin were starting to glow brightly in the darkening sky. It made him smile to see how far Sean had come since their fight with the Harpies. He looked more confident in his abilities. Once the ship was in position, Sean lowered his trident, looking to him with a nod. Mark took a rifle from Bob, checking to see that it was loaded. Happy that it was, he looked up at yelled out. "FIRE ALL!" The large harpoons sprang off the large crossbows toward Typhon. The two hit the scales of his front legs and bounced off to fall into the water. Mark cursed telling the men to reel them back in.

Poseidon rode up beside the ship, yelling angrily at them. "I told you to stay behind!" Sean moved to the rail, yelling out stubbornly. "This isn't just YOUR fight! It's ours too!" Poseidon shook his head, but reluctantly yelled out. "Fire the harpoons again! I've got an idea!" Without explaining, Poseidon rode his water horse around to the side of the ship and raised his glowing golden trident. The crew gawked and screamed in horror as massive whales rose up from the water to swim up along side the ship, spewing water from their blowholes. Mark barked out orders for them to reload and the crew quickened their pace. Sean leaned on the rail, asking Mark aloud. "What is he doing?!" Mark didn't answer, he raised his rifle and yelled out. "FIRE ALL!" The large harpoons whizzed out of the crossbows and to their surprise, Poseidon jumped off his water horse to catch one. As Hades was riding past on his flaming horse to avoid a massive blue dragon head, Poseidon threw the harpoon toward him and bellowed out loudly. "HADES! TYLIXE TO!"

Hades caught the harpoon and steered his horse under Typhon to fly around his leg. Wrapping the rope around one of Typhon's hind legs, Hades jammed the harpoon between a set of golden scales to pin it in place. The blue dragon head chasing Hades snorted scolding water at him from its massive nostrils, missing Hades simply because his horse was able to dash through the air so fast. Poseidon sent his water horse into a dive to fetch the other harpoon that bounced off, bursting from the water just as Hades was riding overhead. Hades took the harpoon to wrap around the other leg and Poseidon pointed his trident at the blue dragon head. The head snorted scolding water at Hades again, only to have Poseidon pulse the water back with his trident. The scolding water blew back over the dragon head, causing its scales to sizzle from the heat. The head let out a whimper as the scolding water hit its eyes, forcing it to retreat away as its eyes burned and began to bleed a black tar.

Sean watched Hades finish tying the other rope, before telling Mark excitedly. "Mark! Get ready to cut the lines!" Mark didn't understand until he saw Poseidon commanding the whales toward the tight rope lines. Panic set in and he yelled out over the ship to the crew. "CUT THE LINES AND BRACE!" The whale's heads rose from the water, their teeth chopping down on the tight rope line as they rushed to cut the lines with their swords! The lines barely came free as the whales snatched the lines and dived quick enough to shove the ship back in the wake of their waves. Poseidon even grew in size to grab the lines and joined them in tugging the two lines as hard as he could. Poseidon's runes glowed as his muscles strained to pull Typhon down. With a loud groan, Poseidon fell backward into the water as Typhon roared from all its heads and dropped into the ocean. Typhon was forced to fold its black leathery wings as it nestled down in the water like a bird.

However, this gave the Atlanteans the advantage they needed. Allowing them to attack the legs and belly of the beast from the safety of the water. Despite that though, some of the dragon heads plunged into the water to attack. Sean yelped, grabbing Mark as the ship settled from the waves. Mark didn't get a chance to ask before Oceanus was knocked off Typhon by Hephaestus and into the water beside the ship. The ship rose on a wild wave, then fell rapidly. Nate rushed out from the cabin with Kai, helping crew get up. Nate withdrew his sword, activating the ship cannons to start firing on the heads that where taking an interest in the ship now. Kai jumped, his body transforming into a dragon to attack a white dragon head that was immune to Nate's electrical cannon fire. Kai clawed at the head's eyes, splattering the ship in droplets of black tar. As a red dragon head rushed in to attack Kai off the whining white dragon head, Kai flew off at the last second. The red dragon head bit down on the white dragon head, its molten fire melting the white dragon head away in seconds!

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