High School

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She slowly walked into the school, her eyes kept down cast, partly because of the color of her eyes and the ways people would stare at her. She hated this small town but she had lived here with her grandparents all her life and there was no sense in wishing to be anywhere else. Plus her friends were here. She heard their voices even before she saw their faces, turning the corner she came into view with the one person she had avoided all summer.
"Katty?" She heard his silly nick name for her.
"Its fine to call me Kat. How was your weekend?"
"Good. Why didn't you come over?"
"Same reason as you.  Had chores that needed to get done plus grandma wasnt feeling well so I stayed home to help out with her."
"Oh. I thought you were avoiding me." He answered.
"Nope just had stuff that needed to be done. How are your folks?"
"Good. Why don't you come over dinner one night?"
"I will have to ask my grandparents first you know that Clark."
"Hey Katherine."
"Hi Pete hi Chloe. I am going to head to class." Katherine turned and walked away from them. Clark stood there just watching her walk away.
"That's a look I never thought I would see you have for anyone other than Lana."
"What? Katty and I have been friends since we were younger. Shes known Pete just as long."
"Yes and even I have noticed that Katherine has filled out nicely. And I know your not blind Clark. That girl has flame red hair and the most unique violet  colored eyes I have ever seen. And she has only eyes for you."
"Yeah right."
"Clark sometimes I wonder if your blind or refuse to see."

The three friends walked off to class . Katherine stood off in the shadows and smiled he had filled out nicely in a few months and his smile was still as good as always. She really needed to stop avoiding him they had been friends a long time.

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