Chapter 6 - Intense Inccident

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"Yeah. I was just leaving."

"Can I join you? I was going too."

"Sure why not."

"Great." We walked out the enterprise and down the street.

"I know this cool Mexican restaurant we could eat at. Or do you have something in mind?"

"Mexican is fine. Is it nearby? Cause I really don't want Mr. Bieber complaining about me being late, or you being fired because you made me late." Jason laughed as we stopped at what I am guessing is the restaurant.

"What's so funny?" I asked scrunching up an eyebrow.

"Mr. Bieber really has a mouth. Don't get me wrong, but he wouldn't fire me. He's just talking." Jason said as he opened the door for us to enter the restaurant.

"Why can't he fire you?"

"My parents were good friends of his parents, and when they died in a car accident his dad gave me job so I can help myself. This job is all I have to keep me on my feet, that's why his dad hired me, and gave me a promotion as well." he told me as we sat around a table and a waitress came to take our orders.

"I'm so sorry about your parents."

"There's nothing to be sorry about Annalise. You didn't know, so I enlightened you." The waitress came back with our meals and we started eating. After talking and eating I saw that we spent 45 minutes. At least I'm on track. I now have about 13 minutes to get back to the company before 4 pm. The restaurant was 5 blocks away from the enterprise so I have nothing to worry about.

Jason and I made our way out as we paid for our meals. He offered to pay but I refused. I just hate guys to think that I'm dependent or something. We started walking back to the office as he told me a little more about Mr. Bieber.

They technically aren't best of friends, but they keep it casual because of Mr. Bieber's dad. Jason's sister heart was broken by him. I couldn't believe it. He told me that Mr. Bieber doesn't date and that he just had one night stands. Dang. He really is a horrible person; your typical manwhore.

The thing was that Jason's sister was heartbroken because she fell in love with him and he didn't feel the same. It's been years they haven't seen each other for. We made it on time with 5 minutes to spare so I went up to my office.

"At lunch with Jason I see," I heard a voice said from behind me. I looked up to see Mr. Bieber with a coffee mug in his hand.

"Yes sir. I didn't know you had rules for who I go to lunch with." I spat back.

"No, not at all. Just get to work. And you can leave when your finished." He left my office and went to his. I was relieved that he left. Something about him makes me nervous. I just cant put my hands on it. Yet! I finished up the last set of arrangements left and started to organize my desk to leave. I piled the papers into stacks on my desk and switched off my light. I was about to leave my office when I bumped into someone. My office was dark but Mr. Bieber's desk light was still on. I almost fell but the person's arm grabbed my waist and steadied me.

"You've got to be more careful Miss Via." I heard a male's stern voice said as I knew it was no other than the boss man himself.

"I am so sorry Mr. Bieber. I didn't mean to. I-I-I couldn't see very well." I am so embarrassed but his arms feel so good right now. Seriously Annalise! He's your boss. Get it together.

"You don't need to apologize Miss Via. Just be a little more careful next time. And don't go bumping into strangers. I wouldn't want anyone telling me that my beautiful new PA has been kidnapped." I looked up into his hazel brown eyes as he slowly released his grip from my waist. I saw a smirk on his face and somehow Im embarrassed as his comment made my cheeks flush. He stared back at me and suddenly the room was intensified and getting hotter. I didn't realise how close we were until I felt his hot breath on my cheek. I felt weak in my knees as I felt him breathing on my face. I finally had the strength to look away and stepped back.

"Will you be alright closing off alone Mr. Bieber?" I asked as I tried to put my mind back in work mode.

"Uh-yeah. I'll be fine. You can go home Miss Via." he replied running his hands through his hair. I tried to read his facial expression as I realized he was as confused as I was.

"Okay sir. I'll see you at work tomorrow." I left the office without giving him the time to respond. I walked out to see that all the office lights off. Guess this is apart of my job, leaving late and stuff. I walked out the company and crossed the road to get to the bus stop. I looked on my watch to see that it was 7:25 pm. I stood at the bus stop for half an hour but there was still no bus in sight.

"The bus that usually run this late is no longer running." I heard a familiar voice state from beside me. I looked around to see that it was no other than Mr. Bieber.

"I thought you already left sir," I stated as I stood to see that the road was awfully quiet as a result of the few transportations that were passing.

"I was on the phone with Ben Raincroft. He is one of my biggest investors and I had to cancel my meeting with him, so I'm trying to get that back on board." He said fumbling in his phone. Don't be nosey Via. I battled with myself not wanting to be inquisitive.

"If you don't mind me asking sir, why was this meeting cancelled if he was one of your biggest investors?"

"I had to personally deliver the news that you were hired and that was the time I was supposed to have the meeting." I looked at him as if he wasn't serious, but he was.

"Sir with all due respect, you should have let your receptionist called, instead of you cancelling your important meeting with Mr. Raincroft. How are you going to get that investment after cancelling like that?"

"Don't worry about that Miss Via," was all he said before the atmosphere was completely silent.

"So what happened to the bus?" I asked getting frustrated knowing that its late and I have work early tomorrow.

"The driver died of heart attack and the last late bus that drives here is from 6 pm," he replied and I tried my best not to stare.

"Oh my God. How am I going to get home?" I asked not really wanting an answer from him.

"I can drop you home if you'd like?" he replies looking at me. There's that feeling again Annalise.

"I wasn't really expecting an answer Mr. Bieber. Thank you for the offer but I'll just call my sister so she can pick me up."

"No problem. But the least I can do is wait until she gets here to pick you up."

"That's kind of you sir but I'll be fine."

"Don't argue with me, I always get what I want." I looked up at his face to see that he was smirking. What's up with him and smirking? He is sexy with it but I mean, come on. I didn't even bother to fight with him because it would be pointless. I took my phone out of my bag and dialled Aliyah's number. I called her five times but the phone went straight to voice mail.

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BEING HIS ASSISTANT Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon