Dani Phantom: Identity Crisis Part 2

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Okay, yes, my posting is all over the place. I really jump around! Maybe one day I'll get more organized XD

I'm Danielle Fenton/Phantom. At least, as far as I know I am. In this glorious world we live in, one cannot truly understand their identity until they can look at themselves and say: "I love you, me!"

Wow...that was so... poetic. I feel myself blush. Maybe I should...write it down? It feels so...expressive when I emphasize words like this. Oh, I am just so ecstatic!


I am Dani Fenton, based upon my first observation that I am no longer in ghost form. And I can no longer, as I've said in the past, "go ghost." Which should complicate things if I were simple-minded, but I have an exact purpose in mind. My job is to protect Amity Park from the devises of the evil ghosts that seek to destroy what I hold dear.

Tying my hair up in a neat bun, I walk with purpose: I need to find some of my parents' best ghost hunting gadgets and find the first specter on my agenda: Technessa.


I'm Trenay. Lol just kidding, I don't really need to introduce this face. After cowering on the ground for a few seconds, I shook Sam, who wasn't cowering on the ground like me (ok now I feel a little embarrassed) but he was shielding his face a little bit. And though his face is usually as unreadable as a stone, I could tell he was at least a little disturbed by how much Dani screamed when she went through the Fenton Catcher. He was such a sensitive creature.

Speaking of sensitive, I quickly checked into my pocket to make sure my phone was okay. No scratches, thank goodness, but it was at 76%! My baby needed some juice! I was almost sucked into starting to check some notifications, but Sam shook me out of my daze. Or more like craze!

"Would you get off your precious phone for just a second?" Sam complained, pushing the screen away. "Do you think it worked?" It took me a second to comprehend. I looked around. No sign of Dani- wait, there she was! Still in ghost mode! But she seemed a little different. For one thing, she was writing on a Fentonpad (basically a notepad with Mrs. Fenton's winking face on it) with a Fentonpen (you get the idea) and giggling happily. I'd never seen Dani do that in the entire 12 years I've known her. Which was since we were in diapers.

"She never writes and giggles like that," Sam gasped, reaffirming my suspicions. I ran around the room to search for more clues while Sam ran over (it's so cute how's he's so worried about her they are literally so clueless) to who I've dubbed "Writer Dani" for the time being. Name is subject to change.

Then on the other side of the room I find Serious Dani. This Dani isn't in ghost form, but her hair is tied up in a bun (something that I also never have seen) and she was busy loading some nasty-looking ghost bazookas and blasters onto her shoulders.

"Um... Dani?" I stammer, unsure if interrupting this tough looking Dani would be wise.

She turns around and regards me with military-like precision, them addresses me very formally.

"Trenay, you are to stay here where it is safe!" She commanded, picking up one final blaster and testing its weight in her hand. Her tone was serious, and her blue eyes were almost gray. Everything about her seemed dull and refined. She didn't seem as expressive as she normally was. But it didn't look like she had anything to express. She just watched my face emotionlessly.

"You and Sam can finally spend time with Danielle, while I work to eliminate the ghosts in Amity Park," she continued, starting to leave up the stairs. I just stood, still frozen in shock. "I have all the responsibilities now. And I'm ready to accept them." She seemed to be telling herself that last sentence more than me, letting me briefly see what little vulnerability she had.

As she left, I was thinking I should've named her "Bad-ass Ghost Hunter Dani." Then I heard a startled yelp come from the other side of the basement, and I sigh. Who knows what that other Dani was up to. I had a bad feeling about her.

Coming around the stacked ghost gadgets, I saw the sight that only in my dreams I believed could ever come to pass. The two love birds were in one another's arms. I nearly fainted!

Sam was blushing deeply and stiff as a board while "Emotional Dani" (this name was probably more accurate) stared dreamily into Sam's eyes, holding him close. He couldn't escape, either, because they were floating about 2 feet in the air.

"Sam, oh, I've been dying to tell you how I feel about you for so long." Emotional Dani let out a sigh of longing, and Sam went even stiffer, leaning away from her. His eyes met mine, and he gave me a desperate face.

Sam never looked so pitiful, so I decided to help him just this once. Laughing, I called to Dani.

"Hi Dani! Don't forget about how much you love your best friend Trenay!" I call. Dani immediately glanced over in my direction, then, as if it pained her, tore herself from her love. She flew over and squeezed me so hard into a bear hug that I thought I might suffocate.

"I actually go by Danielle now," she corrected me after the hug was over. I was still catching my breath. "And of course I love you sis!" She looked back longingly at Sam. "I just can't contain myself sometimes, you know?"

Yeah, can't contain herself alright,  I think darkly. Dani definitely had more restraint. This "Danielle" business was way too much. In fact, even her appearance was too much. Her long white hair reached almost Rapunzel length, billowing out expressively behind her. Her green eyes were painfully bright, her face looked like it had as much makeup as a supermodel's, and her jumpsuit's whites and blacks had an iridescence that they had lacked before.

And all the while she was still grinning stupidly. I turned to Sam, who was still recovering. "You should see the other Dani I comparison." I half whisper, hoping Danielle won't notice. And she doesn't. She's already busy writing again.

"So it did work and the Fenton Catcher didn't just make her insane," Sam whispered back incredulously. "For one thing, she definitely doesn't feel that way about me so... strongly." He reddens again.

I grin smugly. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that Sam..." I tease.

"Let's change the subject, please? Tell me about the other Dani."

So I do. Sam's smart. I mean, I'm really smart too in math and science and stuff. But Sam is the English nerd. Real intuitive about deeper meaning and all that jazz. While Dani goes to me for math homework, she asks Sam to proofread her essay. And right now he's thinking about the deeper meaning behind these two sides of Dani. Here comes the genius...

"Okay. Do you want to hear what I think about these two Danis?" He asks. I nod eagerly. "Alright. So this Dani-" he points to Danielle, who is gazing in horror at some Fenton blasters like they're a bomb about to explode, "-is Dani's expressive side. All those deep feeling and emotions she has," Sam blushes, "all her beliefs and opinions are all right there on the surface. And I guess this is the ghost version of her because..." he thinks for a moment. "Because... I guess her ghost side is the half powerful enough to hold all these emotions."

"And Bad-Ass Ghost Hunter Dani?" I ask expectantly.

"The exact opposite." Sam responded. "She hides her emotions, and puts her beliefs aside to pursue the responsibility she doesn't want but knows she must commit to: hunting ghosts. And she's the human half because that's what people, not ghosts, are better at. Holding everything in."

I clap my hands appreciatively. "Well done Sam. Once again your analysis is worthy of an A+ AP Literature essay."

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