Ghost Wolf - Tape 2

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Happy Thanksgiving! And yes, I'm posting today only because my family is celebrating tomorrow because my mom works on Thanksgiving (restaurant business). I'm thankful that I have stories in my mind to share, and inspiration. I hope you all have/had a great holiday!

This is Tape 2. Daniel looks the same, but if even possible, a little more beaten down and exhausted. But then again, he looks ready to release the burden on his shoulders by continuing his tale.

Daniel: I think I kinda left you on a cliffhanger. (smiles briefly) What was about...Revenge? (now looks grim) Revenge is the right word. Wraithrowle was an unreasonable beast with one exception: the ability to reason with himself. Revenge, he must have reasoned, would not be revenge unless it was toward something more meaningful than the lives of the victims: what had been created out of their love. Their son.

To watch their son become the very thing they had vowed to rid the world of would crush their spirits. They'd never hunt werewolves again, and the wolves would win the bitter battle against humanity. (nods) They never did hunt werewolves again. As soon as they could they started researching any possible way to fix their son. Wolfsbane, chemicals, anything they could pump into me the first few days to try in vain to eliminate the horror they already knew was inevitable. (pulls down his sweatshirt to reveal a nasty scar on his shoulder) The wound healed, but I'm marked, alright.

After shaking and shivering and running a deadly high temperature for almost a week, the half moon came and I was a wolf. Locked in a containment chamber, I paced, my mind in a blur. I couldn't even register my parents' pale and frightened faces as they studied me, searching for a solution. Every night was like that. (looks around, then starts to look uneasy) This is the biggest room in here, and I'm still sweating. Became claustrophobic because of those first few weeks.

Daniel stops, and by his face he seems to have made some sort of mental decision.

Everything after those first few weeks (makes a face) started moving smoothly. On moonless nights, I can enjoy being a human. But every night as moonlight touches my skin (extends his arm) I'm a werewolf. (heavily breathes, trying to hold back some extreme emotion) Sorry. (shuts his eyes, then opens them after a few moments) I've never said that aloud before. That I'm a- (gulps) You know. I guess it's good that I'm finally telling someone. (sighs, then smiles sadly, like he's holding back tears) It feels good. (now looks embarrassed)...I'm going to continue now.

In order to protect me, though it was probably more to protect their reputation, my family made the move to Maine a couple months after everything went down. Jasmine was fine with it. Within the week she had already joined the environmental club, was Treasurer of the Debate team, and talking to some emo guy who had trouble expressing his emotions. She told me, in the rare occasions she said anything to me, that she was a "good foil for him." Whatever that means. I made a few friends, but merely acquaintances because of how many times I missed school and much I looked like a homeless person. Bags under my eyes from lack of sleep, unkempt and long hair, pale skin, and dressing mainly in sweats, it wasn't very attractive. (grins sardonically, a clear sarcastic tone in his voice). That's why in college I fit right in! Everyone was running on tea or coffee, waking up early in the morning, wearing whatever, and couldn't care less about their appearance. College was a literal heaven. (clasps his hands together in mock dreaminess) But that, my friends, is a story for next time. (snorts in amusement). Not quite ready for that phase of my life yet.

This time, Daniel reaches for the camera himself and turns it off, instead of the time stamp ending and the camera automatically turning off. The screen is silent and black.There probably was more planned to be said this tape, but he's simply not in the mood, as the next part of his story will take a lot more mental and emotional preparation. The best thing he can do is act like nothing's wrong, putting on a sarcastic and minor comedic front, then once the camera's off go and cry in the corner, dreading tomorrow.

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