Sam Phantom Part 3

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Did I ever mention earlier how Amity Park seems to be ghost hub of the entire world? That's part of the reason why my parents moved us in the middle of Minnesota of all places. Ghosts galore, and the new portal my parents have built in our basement definitely won't help reduce the number. Part of that package deal includes weekly ghost attacks at the high school. I wish I could say it wasn't to do with the fact that I went to Casper High School, but the truth is that is why it's attacked the most.

The insane spirits are attracted to the scent of a halfa. As I walked into detention (also Vice Principal Thunder's room, how crazy is that?!?), I saw a couple other familiar faces, including Danny and Tucker. Danny waved to me, and Tucker half-heartedly nodded in my direction.

I appreciated his effort. As I sat down and recollected myself, I started to think about the timing of ghost attacks. And how the last one at Casper High was a little over a week ago. A chill ran up my spine. In other words, an attack was way overdue.

The chill turned into shivering, and a tiny wisp of blue smoke trailed out of my mouth. I sighed. This was going to be a long two hours. Furtively stealing glances around the room, I figured I could sneak out without raising a fuss, so I could change into my ghost form. Besides, the Thunder Man wasn't here yet.

Quietly, I rose from my chair, and winced at the scraping noise my metal chair made as it slid back, and tiptoed over to the door. I made it close enough that I decided to make a run for it. Ghosts waste no time with scared, impressionable, lusty high school kids. I dashed out the door, only to ram right into the son of Jupiter himself, Vice Principal Thunder.

I let out a yelp and fell back, gaping at him. I could feel my face turning bright red. Vice Principal Thunder frowned at me in return, then hastily patted his hair to make sure it was still intact. He seemed satisfied with its condition, then resumed his disapproval on this impulse troublemaker.

"Trying to get out of detention so soon?" He asked, irritated. "I hope I don't have to add another detention to your permanent record."

My permanent record? This was going on my permanent record?!? Eh, I didn't really care. But I didn't want to spend any more time than I had to with this man. That's probably detentions were such an effective punishment here. My old teachers never dished out detentions as much as Casper High. There, they at least gave you warnings. Speaking of which...

"Uh, I need to use the bathroom?" I mumbled, shifting from side to side like I couldn't hold it much longer. Vice Principal Thunder could barely hold back a smirk.

"No leaving detention within the first twenty minutes." He sneered. My eyes widened in dismay. Who made up that rule? Obviously the man standing right in front of me, only a few seconds ago. With no getting around this barrier, I gritted my teeth, biting back a retort, and shuffled back to my seat.

"Dang, that's screwed up," whispered a fellow detentionee. I nodded in agreement, and put my head down on the desk. It irked me that there was a ghost roaming the school, and I could do nothing about it. But as I thought about it, I realized it wouldn't roam the school for long. Like all the others, soon it would be attracted to my halfa scent.

The clock on the wall ticked, and I counted fifty-six seconds before the entire room grew cold, indicating the presence of a ghost. A new record.

Oozing through the whiteboard at the front of the classroom, an extremely ugly and fat ghost emerged, mouth agape like it was yawning. But don't let that fool you. This was a gluttony ghost, and it represented its deadly sin quite well, slobbering and consuming everything in sight. I needed to take action before things got messy. As in covered drool.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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