Ghost Wolf- Interlude

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Before watching the third tape, you pause and take some time to reflect. Maybe grab a nice snack: grapes, chips, pretzels, yogurt and granola, or maybe even teriyaki chicken tofu, which actually convincingly tastes like teriyaki chicken. You may feel guilty. Daniel has constantly referred to you as a friend, but you don't feel like one. Either you're indifferent to his unique situation, treating it like you're binge-watching a Netflix drama, or you're judgemental of his every word and action, then feeling bad about it after making the judgement.

    All in all, hopefully you are no matter what, wondering what happens next. If not you can just stop reading here:

    If not, then after reflecting on your feelings, you realize that by feeling this guilt you feel, you realize you do care about Daniel as a person. Otherwise you wouldn't be reflecting at all, right? Or maybe the narrator is just forcing you to reflect but WHO CARES? Because you must care. Feeling a little better about yourself, you refill your helping of the nice snack you were enjoying and put on Tape 3, with a fresh perspective.

Yeah... I was celebrating thanksgiving all day today 😅
Have a good holiday!

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