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"Captain!" Natasha shouted after him.
Steve tried his best to ignore her. Or else it would be too hard to finish his mission.
He placed the mind stone carefully onto the table at the back of the room, just as Natasha caught up with him.
"What's with you?" She asked him. Her eyes searched him, as if she was looking for answers.
"Nothing, I'm fine." He lied, breathing in deeply.
Steve turned away and made his way towards the elevator again. But before he could reach the "down" button, Natasha grabbed his hand and pulled him backwards. Steve tried to wiggle his way out of his grasp, but despite his super soldier strength, she was surprisingly strong, and the way she held onto him made it nearly impossible to move.
"Okay, let's try this again, shall we?" Natasha said. The way she spoke gave the illusion she was asking a question, but it was a demand. "What. The. Hell."
"Yes, fine, I'll talk." Steve stopped struggling. "Just let go."
Natasha did as she was told, and crossed her arms, looking at him suspiciously.
"So the thing is..." he whispered to her. Just then, he took off running.
"Hey! HEY!" She yelled, sprinting after him.
Steve shore under his breath as he saw that the elevator was not yet open. And so he took a detour, the stairs.
"Stop!" He heard Natasha shouting behind him.
Steve burst through the stair doors and sprinted down so fast he missed a couple steps. He almost got to the bottom floor when his right foot caught on a corner of the stairway and he was sent tumbling.
The last thing he saw was Natasha's green eyes focused on him as she slapped him, yelling at him to stay awake. Her words faded to background noise, and the world around him stopped spinning for a second, only to turn into complete darkness.

Steve's eyes fluttered open. He lifted up his head but was welcomed with an overwhelming headache that sent him groaning in pain as he laid back down. Where was he?
"Steve?" Natasha's voice echoed in his head.
"Nat?" He whispered in confusion.
She looked at him weirdly. "Nat.. I kinda like that."
She came into focus and his eyebrows furrowed.
"You have a minor concussion, which is lucky for you considering the way you fell down those stairs." She clued him in.
"Ugh.." he exhaled in frustration. At least he returned the mind stone...
"Now," she said to him, grabbing his arm.
"Ouch!" He helped as pain flooded from his arm to the rest of his body.
"I'll try this one last time, and you're going to tell me the truth."

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