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"On your right."

Natasha's voice came out of nowhere.

Her words instantly reminded Steve of his past.. on your left.

Steve turned to the right and found his face inches away from Nat's.
Before his face could heat up, he immediately broke the eye contact.

"Stop joking around," He quickly turned into his strict rule-follower self. "I thought you were securing the basement."

The two were crouched behind a medium sized desk, and Steve was intently staring at the big double doors at the front of the room.

"I already secured the basement." Natasha gave him her signature smirk as she continued to tease him. "I guess I'm just way better at my job then you are."

Her smirk faded as Steve raised his hand to her mouth in a hurry, both pairs of eyes turning to the front door.

The two held their breath as the echo of a door knob turning bounced off the walls of the room.

The door widening and a man walked in. He wore formal attire and walked over to one of the filing cabinets located at the side of the room.

As the mysterious man rummaged through the cabinet, Natasha nudged Steve lightly in his stomach. He turned his attention to her as she pulled out a sphere from her pocket, along with a couple of gas masks.

"Wear this." She deadpanned, shoving one into Cap's chest before putting an identicle one over her face and rolling the sphere across the room.

It came to a stop at the man's feet, causing him to stop his search for whatever was in the filing cabinet. His brow furrowed as the sphere opened slightly, allowing a thin layer of smoke to leak out of it, gradually making it's way towards its victim.

"my eyes!" The man cried in pain as his hands flew to his face, unaware of the woman slickly making her way towards him.

In one swift kick, the man fell backwards, before Nat wacked him in the head.

Steve sat back in awe while she copied the mysterious man's actions and began to rummage through the filing cabinet.

The sudden sound of approaching footsteps finally pulled Rogers out of his trance.

Two more men made their way into the room, gun in hand, and Steve immediately got to work.

The last thing the men saw was the star embroidered shield and one muscular soldier.

"Got it." Natasha informed Steve and made her way swiftly out of the back entrance, the captain trailing behind.

"Got what exactly?" Steve felt abliged to ask, as Fury didn't inform him much about what they were searching for, just to kick any fancy-dressed men to the curb.

"I believe I'm not allowed to tell you that." Natasha said, giving him a slight head tilt of sympathy before the sound of gun shots erupted across the building.

Romanoff sprinted into the next room to see one of the agents of shield crumpling in pain, grabbing their shoulder.

She didn't hesitate when she saw one of the fancy men, aiming her gun and pulling the trigger, looking satisfied as the bullet made it's way into its victim's leg.

As the man fell bad in pain, she kicked his gun out of his hand and grabbed his neck harshly so his eyes were on her.

"You're gonna want to put some ice on that." She cooly said before hitting him in the head with the hilt of her gun.

While Nat did her job, Steve rushed to tend to the wounded shield agent. He picked him up and the three made their way out if the building and towards their getaway helicopter.

Agents took the wounded from Steve's arms and they all piled in.

More and more fancy men flooded out of the building. More and more target practice for Natasha.

The men slowly disappeared from range and Nat settled back into her seat, naturally next to Steve.

"You kicked some serious butt back there." He stated, elbowing her in the arm.

"Kicked serious butt?" She teased, elbowing him back, "Who says that?"

"Apparently, I do." Steve said, giving her his signature smile.

A few minutes passed of silence. Normally it would've been awkward, but somehow the silence was comfortable, nice even.

Steve turned his head towards the outside of the helicopter, eyes trailing across the sky, which was shining with all different shades of purple pink and orange.

Steve's heart skipped a beat when he felt warm finger tips touch his back. He turned towards Natasha as she lightly patted his back, looking out at the view before them.

"Wow," she said quietly, "it's beautiful."

"Yeah." Steve muttered under his breath, not dropping his gaze from Natasha.

The woman shifted her view to the side of her, and Steve was caught off guard. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his face began to heat up and he broke eye contact.

Nat's heart raced. Had Steve been staring at her? Her eyes trailed his face, landing on his lips, before her thought process was interrupted.

"Romanoff," Fury's deep voice bellowed from behind them. "Do you have the files for me or are you just gonna stare some more?"

Nat's small smile dropped and she swallowed thickly. She wasn't staring... was she? No. definitely not.

"Right, here you go." She realized she'd been holding onto them the hold time, and so tightly that she'd left light marks on the outer edges. "Sorry, Director Fury."

The director just shook his head and grabbed the files. Agent Romanoff never forgot about stuff, this was different.

Natasha was reluctant to admit that she was annoyed by Fury's interruption. She wanted to talk to Steve more. She was surprised to find the captain had wound up in her thoughts yet again. He seemed to be there a lot lately. Probably just because of all the time they'd been spending together.

Now after Fury's interruption the silence had returned, but this time it was uncomfortable and seemed to last for hours.

Why exactly? She wasn't sure. One thing was for sure, she wasn't staring.


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