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Steve stood in his apartment staring intensely at his mirror. In about 5 minutes he'd be leaving for his date with Wendy. Honestly, Steve just wanted to get this over with. He wasn't staying in the past for dates with random women, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Natasha.

He jumped at the sound of a knock on his door. Wow, he really was staring intensely into the mirror. Steve turned to answer it but before he could even take two steps it swung open and a certain redheaded women walked in.

"Hey!" Steve said, taking aback. "What if I was changing or something?"

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Well, you weren't. Besides, who changes in their living room?" Actually, she was certain that the captain was the type of person to get ready for things an hour before he needed to. Of course she was right, as per usual.

Steve was starting to notice a change in how she acted around him. She seemed to be able to trust him more. It was fine with him, because it reminded him of the Natasha he knew before... well, you know.

"So, are you ready for your big date tonight?" She smirked at him as he straightened up.

"I don't even really want to go out with this woman." He blurted out. Oops, he meant to say that inside his head.

Natasha laughed at him, obviously taking it as a joke. "Well, if things go well with me and Banner maybe we can double date."

Steve felt himself gag and covered it up as a cough. "Yeah.. that sounds great." Why not just cast us all in a teen romcom.

"So, are you picking her up?" Natasha asked him. She was trying hard to keep the conversation going. For some reason, Rogers wasn't all that talkative today. Actually, she found herself feeling particularly strange as well. Something about Wendy she didn't like. But why wouldn't she like Wendy? She seemed like a perfectly good person.

"Uh no, we're meeting at the restaurant." He went back to staring at the mirror. It was super weird talking about dating other people with Natasha, since the only person he actually wanted to date was her.

"Will you stop looking at the mirror? You look fine." Natasha groaned at him. Maybe it was her hair. No, that's silly; why would Natasha not like Wendy because of her hair?

"I don't want to just look fine, I take pride in looking better than just fine for my dates." Steve finally looked Nat in the face. He couldn't help but notice how she looked exceptionally beautiful today. What he wouldn't give to run over to her and hug her and tell her that he loved her.

"That's generous. But seriously, you look very nice, Wendy's gonna fall in love with you when she sees you." Natasha said, looking him up and down. Maybe she didn't like the way Wendy assumed her and Steve were dating. What a weird assumption to make, they were obviously just friends.

"Well, I should be off then," Rogers said, checking and double checking his clock. "But feel free to stay here if you want, I know your place is kinda far."

As she watched him walk out she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to go on a date with Captain America.
Most of the guys she'd went out with spent the night talking about themselves or weren't interested in her personality at all, just her looks. However, Steve seemed to be quite the opposite. He cared about Wendy's personality and wanted to make a good and proper first impression. Or I guess it's a second impression.
Natasha couldn't help but wish to go out with someone like that. A true gentleman. Of course, she wouldn't go out with Steve Rogers; as he'd said they were very close friends in the future and nothing more, and she respected that.
Still, she couldn't help but dislike Wendy. She knew that Steve deserved an incredible woman to love him and treat him with respect. Nothing about what Wendy said or did was wrong in any way, but Nat still regretted setting her up with Steve for some reason.

Her brain was starting to hurt from all of this thinking, so she walked over to his couch and turned on the tv.

Natasha's mind drifted back to Steve within a few seconds, and she wondered how many girls he'd kissed. What if he kissed Wendy? Why did the thought bug her so much. They were going on a date together, why shouldn't he kiss her? Before she knew it, she imagined what it was like to kiss him. Nat imagined he'd be a good kisser.

Wait, what was she doing again? Right, tv. It was a normal evening, and Natasha was just watching tv.
In Steve's apartment. While he was on a date.
Geez, why couldn't she get him out of her mind?

Perhaps it'd be best if she just headed back to her own place. In fact, she could really use some fast food.
And so, she left Steve's apartment and headed off to the nearest McDonald's, while Steve was just walking up to greet Wendy.

Both of them on opposite sides of the city, neither of them aware that the other couldn't think of anything else but them.

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