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Natasha was stood in her apartment when she was ripped out of her daydream at the sound of a knock on her front door. She opened it to meet the grinning face of none other than Steve Rogers.
"Hey Steve," she said, confused as to why he was here, "what's up?"
Before she could prepare herself, he leaned forward and in one step they were connected in a kiss.
A million thoughts ran through her head and her heart skipped a beat. She didn't even wonder why he was kissing her, she was wondering why they hadn't done this before. She closed her eyes...

And when she opened them again, she found herself in her bed. Natasha rubbed her eyes as her slow brain remembered the dream.
"Whoa.." she said outloud to herself. "Well, that's new."

As much as she tried, the dream wouldn't escape her mind. Dreams were random, right? This couldn't be connected to anything of course. Just a silly dream. But then a knock sounded on her door. A real knock. And when it opened she looked into the sky coloured eyes of Steve Rogers and her mind drifted back to the dream.

"Hey," he said, particularly cheery.

She just looked at him for a second, before realizing that she was staring. Nat then straightened her spine and licked her lips, just now noticing her terrible posture and cracked lips. "Hey, Rogers, what are you doing here?"

As Steve walked in, passing her, she couldn't help but feel a strange sense of disappointment at the lack of similarity to her dream.

"Thought you'd wanna know that you are quite the match maker." He winked at her and badly attempted to hide a wide smile that grew on his face. "I'll admit, I would never have gone out with Wendy if you hadn't asked her for me!"

She pushed out a fake laugh and smile. Why. Why was this happening, why now? She was fine before, why did everything change now?
"Is that so?"

"Yeah! She's so smart, and.. and funny," he started rambling on and on, "and... a great kisser."

Steve doubled over into barrels of laughter at Natasha's face, wide eyed and slack jawed.

"Oh, was..was that a joke?" She said it like it was a question but it was really more of a hope.

He took a minute to catch his breath before looking at her, "Oh no, I'm dead serious. In fact, I'm seeing her again tonight!"

Natasha felt a burning feeling in her stomach. Her face betrayed her as Steve's smile dropped when he noticed her eyebrows scrunch together in an unpleasant expression.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Although he enjoyed his night with Wendy, there was no doubt in his mind that he'd drop everything for Natasha, even if his love was unrequited.

"Nothing.. I just thought that maybe we could do something tonight." She raised her eyebrows and gave him a hopeful look that gave Steve butterflies inside.

"Oh, well I would love to. The only thing is it's kinda rude to cancel on Wendy when our date is tonight." He looked at the ground. He couldn't look at Nat's disappointment-ridden face or he might do something he'd regret. "Maybe you could do something with Dr. Banner?"

"What?" She pursed her lips. She'd completely forgotten about Bruce. Oh gosh, she was even the one to go up to him. Why were feelings so confusing?
The more she thought about it, she didn't feel anything for Bruce. She was just hoping to have something to take up all this time she was left with. Of course, her assassin days were the bane of her existence, but they did keep her busy and refused to let her mind wander or her thoughts cloud her judgement.

"Okay..well I'm gonna head out. Just wanted to check in." Steve's face warmed up at the lack of conversation. He gave her one last small smile, unaware of how long that look seemed to Natasha.

Now that she was fully focused on him for even just a split second, she could see why all the girls liked Captain America. He had perfectly combed yet somehow endearingly messy hair, deep sea eyes that she was easily lost in, and a smile that had the ability to make her melt to the floor. And she couldn't think about his personality without feeling her stomach swim.

As Steve left the apartment he took in how beautiful Natasha was. He couldn't believe how she could look so effortlessly gorgeous. With her fiery hair and bright eyes. He wished she could know how a single smirk from her made him want to grab onto her and never let her go. How her attitude and the way she cares could make anyone in the world feel special. But that was Natasha for you. His Natasha.

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