Brief Words

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please note:

some characters will call others by their last name as I wanted to keep the whole respect those older than you rule without using senpai, as not because I find the word weird or anything, but because I don't want you to think this is just some 13 year old fan girl weeb thing.

however, in the case of Shigure and Yuni, I'm going to use "nii-san" because typing out "big brother" or "older brother" is a pain. just trying to make writing this easier 🤡

another note, kasuka is the only younger person who will call Jin Jin solely because they're related (you'll find out in the story). Yuni will have specific nicknames for the others (excluding Yumapi and nii-san), so he's an exception for calling those older by last name

without further ado, enjoy the story!

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