Thirteenth Bell

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Yuma turned in his sleep. Yuni replaced the flower with a new one, hoping to continue giving him good dreams. Senri entered the room. munching on rice crackers.

"Hey, you better share." Yuni said with a pout.

Senri held one out for him to take. Yuma turned in his sleep again then shot up, breathing heavily.

"Hey, is something wrong, Yumapi...?" Senri asked, seeing his distressed face.

"Ryugasaki... he... he was dead. I... I killed him..." Yuma whispered, his body shaking all over. "I killed Ryugaksaki..."

"Hey, that's impossible. My flowers are supposed to give good dreams... did it not work...?" Yuni asked aloud, full of concern and worry.

"It's just a nightmare. It's not real. You're too kind for that." said Senri, dismissing his concerns.

"It wasn't directly... my animal friends... they did it..." Yuma whispered. "It's so scary... I've been having this nightmare for days."

Yuni and Senri looked at each other, knowing they had to get Shigure on the case. Senri reluctantly left the room to contact Shigure and have him meet them at a different location.


Shigure looked Yuma over, making sure it wasn't anything physical.

"Yuma, will you allow me?" Shigure asked, not sure if Yuma would let him touch him.

"Go ahead..." Yuma mumbled, stepping closer to Shigure.

Senri and Yuni kept their eyes on Shigure, making sure he didn't do anything suspicious. Shigure held Yuma in his arms before touching his head, causing him to fall asleep. Yuni created hammock then watched closely as Shigure knocked out as well.

"So, what's he doing...?" Senri asked, not familiar with Shigure's powers.

"He's linking their minds so he can see what Yuma is dreaming. He's done with me before when I kept having a recurring nightmare. This was before I had my own powers." said Yuni quietly.

"Eh... That's pretty cool..." Senri said, finding a newfound admiration for Shigure.

Yuma found himself walking along an all too familiar path. He's seen it so many times to the point he could give a play by play with ease. He felt something touch him and keep him from moving.

"Hakka...?" Yuma called out in surprise.

"Lead me to the problem." Shigure said, finding the scenery rather dreary.

Yuma led the way and once more found his feet planted into the ground once they reached a clearing. There stood Jin with his back turned to them. Shigure quietly watched, trying to find the source of the problem. A small dog appeared from the bushes and attacked Jin's ankles. A few more animals came out and attacked Jin as well. It was then Shigure spotted it.

Yuma watched as Shigure went in and picked up one of the dogs. He brought it over to Yuma, unfazed by it biting him.

"Here's your problem. Taking care of it is easy." said Shigure with a smile. "Kill it."

Yuma's eyes widened in shock. Did he hear him correctly? Did he want him to murder an innocent animal? He looked over and saw blood coating the animals. It was just a dream. It wouldn't hurt the real dog. Shigure made a knife appear then handed it to Yuma.

"I can assure you, nothing will happen to this dog in real life." said Shigure, holding the dog out. "Kill it."

Yuma's hand trembled as he looked at it. He wanted to stop having such an awful nightmare, but he couldn't bear the thought of killing an innocent animal. He swallowed hard before pushing the knife into the dog, tears falling as he heard its pained yelp.

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