Fifth Bell

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~Time skip: 2 weeks~

Yuma pushed his meal around as the cafeteria was lively. It was as if he was no longer was the talk of the school.

"Funny how rumors die down quickly these days huh? At most they last two weeks." said Touji.

"Rumor? I don't think it was a rumor. Maki did drop out and run away." said Takaomi in between chewing.

"Could you both shut up?" Senri seethed, motioning towards the dejected Yuma.

"Yuma actually cares for that asshole? Wasn't Maki the one hell bent on bullying him?" Takaomi spat.

Senri punched Takaomi on the arm and proceeded to try to make Yuma feel better.

"It's my fault. I wasn't trying hard enough to understand him. Every time, he thought I was trying to make him look bad..." Yuma muttered, dropping his chopsticks. "He'd never let me explain..."

"Yumapi..." Senri whispered softly. "Maki is probably hiding. That's what it is."

"Senri, how can I contact Jin?" Yuma asked, a serious look on his face.

"I think Issei knows..." he replied then watched Yuma pack up his lunch and leave.


"Wait wait. What is it that only Jin is allowed to hear? Are you planning something dangerous?" Issei pressed, wanting answers.

"Please, Issei. I know this will bring Maki back to us." said Yuma.

Issei sighed then took out a hand mirror. Yuma watched as he tapped on it like a phone. It expanded and soon they were in a video call with Jin.

"Oh? Is that Yuma? Hello~" said Jin happily. "Why are you contacting me using Issei's mirror?"

Yuma looked as Issei handed the mirror over before leaving the room.

"I have something important I want to discuss. It's about bringing Maki back." said Yuma.

"All right, tell away." said Jin with a smile.

"Maki will certainly come back when I leave the community." Yuma said, each word sounding sad in his ears. "Ever since I first arrived, Maki never took a liking to me, even now he still doesn't. If I were to leave, he'd be able to live comfortably again and you won't have to worry about a fight breaking out for who knows how long."

Jin closed his eyes and folded his arms. He hummed before opening his eyes, looking directly into his.

"You sound like you've given this thought, but I can't just let you go. You are an irreplaceable person in our community. I know I'm not around much as Issei, but whenever he gives me updates about you all, it fills me to the brim with happiness, knowing that we're doing something right, but also sad that I miss out." said Jin with a happy smile before it faded. "But I'm also not one able to stop someone from leaving us. If you truly think leaving is best, I'll grant you permission. However, if you do, you will forget everything. Us, our home, your own powers."

"You all make Maki happy. For me to continuously ruin the harmony between you all, that's the worst. Like he said, my powers aren't cool, they're useless. It's for pansies." said Yuma, his body trembling slightly.

He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to forget anyone nor who he was. But he didn't like Chizuru and his oldest friends being at odds just because of him.

"I guess there's no changing your mind." said Jin who snapped and a form appeared in front of Yuma. "Just place your index on the box and-"

"Yuma, don't!" Issei shouted, pulled him away from the form. "I can't believe you're doing something so stupid! How do you think the others would feel? You've become a part of our family..."

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