Eleventh Bell

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~Time skip: ~

Senri looked up at the cloudless sky as he lied in the grass. Still no word from Yuma. A sweet, earthy fragrance filled his nose.

"Riri, did you get anything?" Yuni asked, taking a seat beside him.

"No. It's worrying. The police still haven't found anything new." said Senri, turning his back to Yuni. "No one could see that he was crumbling..."

"Yumapi is big hearted and sensitive. He always shoulders his own problems and hardly asks for help." said Yuni. "He doesn't like worrying others..."

"Even still... to take off without even a note?" Senri seethed, gripping the grass beneath him. "He acts as if we wouldn't understand..."

"I see you both are having a good time." Shigure said, taking a seat in front of Senri. He placed his hand on the side of Senri's head and caused him to fall asleep. "Was he talking about Yuma again?"

Yuni nodded then looked at Shigure.

"Do you think he's dead?" asked Yuni innocently.

"Yuni, don't talk like that. He's probably just out and about, finding himself." said Shigure, giving Yuni a heavy slap on his hand

As much as he didn't want to admit it, there was no evidence proving Yuma wasn't dead. Without Kasuka's magic, they couldn't even remotely search for a general area. Yuni sighed then clasped his hands.

"Ryugasaki is a jerk. Kumarin and Tora too! They saw how upset he was and continued with it. It's their fault that Yumapi disappeared." Yuni complained.

"Let's stop these blame games. Everyone is to blame, even you. None of us stepped in when Chizuru did those awful pranks to Yuma. None of us had a talk with Yuma, explaining that he should confront Chizuru. None of us told Jin anything until he caught wind of a more serious incident." said Shigure, sighing heavily.

"Well when you put it like that..." Yuni mumbled, his cheeks puffed out.

Senri quietly slept as Shigure stroked his hair. He was assigned the task of keeping Senri under control, since he was the one most affected by Yuma's disappearance. Yuma was a dear and irreplaceable friend to him along with being family.

"Oh, it's the two big bad wolves." Yuni said, earning himself another slap on the hand.

"You two seem lively. Is Senri asleep?" Issei asked curiously.

"Big meanie Kumarin and Tora, why are you here? What if Riri senses your presence?" Yuni asked, moving from Shigure's reach.

"Still calling us mean names huh? Well, I guess we earned it huh, Issei?" Rintaro said, glancing at Senri. "Anyway, that's not why we're here. We're just here to tell you that there's nothing new going on on both ends."

The wind around them started to kick up. Shigure tightly held Senri as it started to become fiercer. Yuni wailed as large flowers and small trees covered him in a shelter like dome.

"He probably knows you're both here. Go." Shigure said, noticing the wind would soon become quick enough to cut skin. "Go!"

They hesitated before going. The winds started to die down until it turned back to a normal, steady state.


Yanagi pushed his food around with a somber face. There was still no update on his roommate's whereabouts. He felt a hand stop his.

"What are you doing?" Yanagi spat, moving his hand.

"They say don't play with your food." they said cheerfully.

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