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I say putting my shirt back on. 'Uh, sorry was getting comfortable...' The entire losers club is here as I smile, Eddie laughs. 'Can't believe you.' I flip him off. 'Eds. I hate you.' He laughs as Stan says. 'I think you love him a little too much, poor Eddie, he'll have to deal with Richie trying to fuck him all night.' I ask. 'Why are you guys here?' Bev answers. 'Cause you got hurt dumbass, we wanted to cheer you up, turns out you want Eddie's mouth to.'

I fall back on my bed as Ben asks. 'Can I sign your cast?' I nod. 'Go right ahead, I want it to look like the declaration of independence .' Eddie laughs a bit, everyone signed my cast as Stan asks. 'Who's your crush?' I brush off his comment. 'I really hope that I get my cast off before my mums birth.' Bev asks. 'Richie, who is your crush?' I still try and brush the comment off as Eddie asks. 'Who's your crush?' I groan. 'It doesn't matter! They don't like me, ok? Who do you have a crush on then, no one knows!' Bill says. 'I d-do.' I sigh. 'Only Bill?' Everyone says they know as I groan. 'Why... why don't I know?' I say grabbing my crutches. 'I gotta use the bathroom.' I start walking to it as Eddie says quickly. 'I'll help you walk there.' I shake my head. 'I'm good.'

Fuckface ♡ Richie X Eddie ♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora