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I groan at the lunch table as Stan asks. 'Where's Eddie?' I answer. 'His mum says he's sick so he's with her...god, I really don't like that thing.' He nods. 'You two get caught fucking?' I shake my head. 'Almost started though.' I laugh a bit at my own joke. 'I need some air.' Everyone nods understanding my mood has changed since Eddies been stuck with her, I see...Eddie?! I sprint towards him grabbing him. 'Eds?!' He sighs hugging me quickly. 'She's going to murder me!' I nod quickly. 'Uh, fuck...follow me.' I run back home as he shakes his head. 'She'll find me.-' I cut her off. 'Eddie Spaghetti. I'm grabbing some things and tell my mum.' He nods as we get inside. 'Mum!' She comes downstairs. 'Richard! Why are you wagging school?!' I answer. 'I found him running!' She says grabbing Eddie. 'Are you ok?' He nods a bit. 'Yeah, I can't be with her!' 

Mum says some stuff to him walking off as I ask. 'What am I meant to do?' She says. 'Go to school! I'll sort some stuff out.' I groan. 'But! I missed himmm!' Mum looks at me. 'He'll still be here in an hour.' Eddie nods. 'I will!' I hug him quickly kissing his cheek. 'I love you!' He sighs rubbing my back. 'I love you too now just go to school.' I nod leaving, I walk back to school and groan getting into class, I see Stan and Bill as I say. 'What up virgins.' The teacher says something to me but I ignore it sitting down. 'Guess who's getting laid.' 

Fuckface ♡ Richie X Eddie ♡Where stories live. Discover now